Part 15

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I'm on edge: Part 1 of 2

I checked the mail every day since we got our first note, nothing has came in three days, why would a blackmailer take so long to send another note, whoever it is isn't a professional maybe it is Mrs. Fisher and she just wants me to be on edge. I called Mike and told him to hold on I'm calling Marcelo too, he answered and I told him I have Mike on too, I told them I called to see if they got notes, they said not yet and Marcelo said it's odd that we haven't gotten one yet.

I told them I'm going to see Mrs. Fisher and just give her the money, Marcelo said Mike told him about her, and I'm not going to face that woman how do I know she's a part of this. I told them that X said she hired him to ruin me for sleeping with her husband, and this isn't the first time she's done this.

Mike told me to stay away from her, sooner or later we'll hear something, they want a lot of money and know we can get it. I told them I just want this over with so things can go back to the way they are, Marcelo said that's not going to happen until we find out who knows what we did, and deal with them.

I asked him what did he mean deal with them, he said I know, and we can't talk about this over the phone, Mike said we can talk more they'll come over here, he said he'll see me in a few and hung up. Marcelo said he's on his way too and hung up, I went out on the patio and Frank is out there with Bell having lunch, she asked me did I change my mind about eating, I told her I'm fine.

I did ask her if she's seen Davis, she said not since breakfast, when is he leaving he keeps the guesthouse a mess, I told her he'll be leaving soon.I went back into the house, I love Davis but I can't even tell him what's going on with me, the doorbell rang my brothers are here I answered the door and this man said he's detective Harris from the Savannah police department, Mike and Marcelo both pulled up.

I almost shit myself, I got it together and asked him how can I help him, before he could say Mike and Marcelo walked behind him, I said forgive me for being so rude come in, he did and I introduced him to them. He said they found Xavier's body, I said found his body he said yes he had  my name in his wallet. Mike said isn't he the dude I told him was working for me and just left, I said yes that's him, Harris said that would explain why he had my name, he asked me how long did he work for me, I said not long. Mike said didn't I tell him that Xavier didn't have his mind on his work and seemed distracted, I said yes, and for the first few days he worked hard. Harris asked me if I knew what was bothering him, I said no we really didn't talk much.

He asked me did we check Xavier out before we hired him, I said he had very good references, Harris said most likely they were fake, he said Xavier has been in and out of jail and has been in a mental hospital, he might have been planning to rob me, and they suspected him of killing his ex lover. Marcelo said oh my God, how did X die, Harris said he was shot at close range.

Dex came in the room and he said Mark what are you doing here, I said they know each other, he said yes they went to school together, Harris said he was just checking out a lead they found X's body, Dex said he's dead he never met X he was away on a trip when I hired him and when he came back I told him X quit.

Harris asked me did X say anything before he left, I told him I never saw him leave, I went to the garage apartment to tell him they would be picking Dex's car up for service, and he wasn't there and all of his things were gone. He asked if any of my household staff might have spoken to him, I told him we just have a housekeeper and she didn't know he was gone until I told her, he said he won't need to talk to her.

He did ask how is it that X came to us, I told him we went through an agency and I assumed they sent him, he asked what agency, Dex told him, Harris said thanks and it's nice seeing him again and meeting us, Dex showed him out.

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