Part 17

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I need to do something:

It's been a month since all of that craziness happened, Davis's aunt didn't have a funeral for him, she had him cremated, he always said he never wanted a funeral service when he dies and she made sure of that.

Today I'm speaking of  new life, it will be a while before the baby comes, yesterday Bell took Faye to her appointment everything is fine, I told her when Faye is around seven months we'll have a gender reveal party, she looked at me I asked her what's that look about. Bell said so now they can tell if the baby is gay or straight, I broke out laughing, I told her that just means we'll tell if it's a boy or a girl not there sexuality.

She said oh, us young folks are always coming up with something crazy, back in her day they waited until the baby was born to find out. I told her things have changed since then the world has more technology now, she said the world is forever changing but her God remains the same, she went back in the house, and mom came out.

I got up and said I didn't know she was coming over, she said since I haven't been by to see her she came here, we sat down. Mom asked me what's Bell fussing about now did I leave  dirty underwear on my bedroom floor again, I told her  no and what we were talking about, mom said she didn't find out about that gender revealed stuff until  my aunt Ann told her we young people are always changing stuff.

I asked her what's in the basket, mom said Jenny made sweet rolls for Dex, I said what about me, mom said since I haven't been by to see Jenny either the rolls are for Dex, maybe he'll share them with me. I reached to get one mom slapped my hand, and said  she told me they're for Dex, she took the basket in the house.

Mom came back and said now why haven't I been around to see her, whatever it is at least I'm eating my ass is fat, I wanted to say that's from the good dick I'm getting from Dex, but I knew better than to say that. So I told her I just had a lot on my mind, she asked me is it about being a father again, I told her no I'm good with that, but until the baby comes I need something to do.

Mom said so do what I do best and that's write, her church friends asked her when am I going to write another book, I was shocked to know that her church friends read my books they're about gay people. I told her maybe I will, she said it will keep me out of trouble I wonder why mom would say that. I hope Mike didn't say anything to her about what's been going on.

Mom asked me how things were with Dex and I. I told her things are just fine why did she ask that, mom said she just wanted to make sure and don't mess it up, Dex is a good man. Again I asked her why she asked me that.

Mom said okay, she got a note in the mail a month ago saying Dex and I were having problems, and I was involved with a married man, it said ask me about it. Mom said the envelope the note came in didn't have a return address or a name on it, now tell her what's going on.

Okay, it's true but why did she wait so long to say anything, mom said she was waiting for me to say something, that's the real reason I haven't been to see her. I told her she's right I couldn't face her, but she can't tell anyone not even Jenny, I know they talk about everything, mom said too late she already knows, I told her Mike and Marcelo knows too but not Dex if he finds out its over with us, and the guy is out of my life in fact he doesn't live here anymore so she doesn't have to worry about him. I didn't say anything about X, she doesn't need to know everything.

Mom called me by my full name which means she's pissed, she said why do I always mess things up when I find a good man, and she hopes I was safe while sleeping around, she's ashamed of me. Mom got up and said she can't stand looking at me right now, she walked into the house.

That was another reason why I didn't tell her, at least mom won't say anything to Dex about this, I'll give her some time and call her, I sat down mom is right about Dex he is a good man and I won't take him for granted again.

I decided to write some notes for maybe another book, this character will be nothing like any of my other characters,  I'll have this guy meet a guy online, he compliments the guys pics, and they start chatting, they find that they have a lot in common. The only thing is they live in two different states, but that might be what this guy needs a fresh start.

I ended up writing six pages of notes this is what I needed and it will keep me on track with myself.

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