Part 9

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It's been three weeks and nothing from X it looks like I'm in the clear, I still wonder who he really is, Dex and I are meeting with a surrogate today and see if we want her to carry our baby, Dex has already met her and checked her out. Now I'm going to meet her and see if I like her, Bell came outside and asked if we're going to hire a nanny when the baby comes, I told her we never talked about that we just assumed she would take care of the baby.

She said don't assume, know: and she will take care of the baby, she helped raise Rex he wasn't a baby when she started working here, but she knows how to take care of one. I told her I'm sure Dex will want her to take care of our baby, and I'd like her to sit in when the girl comes, she said sure she'll check her out. But if she doesn't look clean, she'll throw her ass out, she asked what kind of background this girl has and does she believe in the Lord. I told her I don't know about that, but Dex checked her out and he wouldn't want me to meet her if he didn't think she was the right girl for us.

Bell said she'll find out, we're so naive will let anyone in this house, Dex can be an educated fool, she said I can be naive too trusting people, she went into the house she's right about that I trusted X or whoever he is, oh shit I forgot to delete the pics he sent me, I got my phone and deleted the pics, Dex can never find out what I did.

Later Dex came home and I told him about Bell taking care of the baby when it comes, he said he did think about asking her, but she might be to old, she came into the room and said who he's calling old, she's only ten years older than he is. I damn near choked off my drink, I wanted to say try twenty years but I knew better, Bell said she can take care of the baby better than some young girl and she's taking care of our baby so no more talk about her being old.

Dex said okay she can do it, but about her being ten years older than him, she said let's not go there, anyway she read the report on this chick on paper she seems right but a face to face meeting with her will tell it all. Dex told her just give the girl a chance, he knows how she can be.

The doorbell rang Bell said at least the heifer is on time, she'll give her that: Dex said he'll answer the door , because if Bell sees something she doesn't like she might send the girl away.

Dex came back with Faye Williams she looked older than her pic on the report Dex  gave me, he introduced us to her and she sat down, and Bell asked her how old she is,  she was thinking the same thing I was about her age. Dex said she has to excuse Bell she's very up front. Faye said it's alright she's twenty nine, she showed us her birth certificate she's twenty nine alright.

We didn't get a chance to ask her the first questions Bell was all in her ass, but Faye answered them, Dex asked her is she comfortable about the arrangements and the money 

she said yes, Bell told Dex on the ninth month Faye should move in here until the baby is born, I asked her would that be okay with her, she said that's fine.

I asked her did she have a boyfriend, she said no, Bell asked about a female friend Faye did say she does have a friend and she's okay with her giving a couple a child, Bell said she knew it Faye has that look that she like pussy, Dex told her that's enough Bell said she has the answers she needed and walked out the room. I said we apologize about Bell. she said it's okay Bell is funny she likes her.

Dex told her we'll be calling her soon and if we decide to use her she'll get her first check after she signs the agreement, she said that's fine and Dex showed her to the door. He came back and asked me what do I think, I said she seems alright, but she looks older than twenty nine.

Bell came back into the room and said see that's why we needed her to be here to ask the questions we wouldn't, and she does look old for her age the baby might look old, I told her to stop other than her looking old she's still a nice looking woman and she's healthy and her background checks out. And we already knew she was gay I just asked her about a boyfriend to see if she would tell the truth, Bell said sure she did knowing Dex had her checked out.

It's up to us if we want grandma for a surrogate, I couldn't help but laugh I told Dex she's alright with me, he said okay he'll call her and go from there. Bell said she'll be watching her and she'll be taking her to all of her doctors appointments, she can be in the room with her to be sure she doesn't try any shit. Dex called her and on Monday she'll sign the contract and give her the first check, Bell said which one of us is going to come in the cup, I said for our first child Dex will do it.

Bell said sure because shooting in me won't make a baby, she said lunch is ready if we can eat after talking about semen, we had lunch outside, it looks like we're going to start our family.

After lunch we went into the pool house and had sex, I laughed because Dex shoot a heavy load in me, and I thought about what Bell said, I told him he better take it easy and save some for the surrogate. Bae said he has plenty for that, we started to do it again and we heard Bell calling us, Dex pulled out and said he hopes she doesn't come in here. We got dressed and went back to the house, Bell said she was looking for us I told her we were in the pool house it needs cleaning.

Bell said bullshit she cleaned it yesterday if she knows us we were in there being nasty, Dex asked her what she wanted, she said she came out to get the lunch dishes and didn't see us, yeah we were in there doing the nasty alright. She's caught Rex is there with a heifer or some boy, we're just nasty horny boys, she went into the house, I said let's go into the house and finish being nasty horny boys, and I can leave my load in him, we went in the house and up the backstairs and got busy on our bedroom floor. After we finished we  just spooned I will never cheat on bae again,Dex took a nap and I just thought about who X is and why did he signal out me.

A week later Dex gave his semen to the lab we're dealing with, soon Faye will be inseminated with his semen and we'll see if she gets pregnant, I'm looking forward to being a father everything seems right with the world. The doorbell rang and a few seconds later I heard Bell say what do you want, a voice said not you, oh shit it's Davis he didn't tell me he was coming here when we talked a few days ago.

I went into the living room and asked Davis the same question Bell did, he said he just decided to come down on a whim, have what's her face make him lunch. Bell said her kitchen is closed and she told him to eat at his motel or where ever he's staying.

Davis said he's staying here, so make sure the guestroom is ready, she just walked out of the room, Davis you could've warned me you were coming, this just isn't my house but Dex's too, he said he's sure Dex won't mind he likes him right. I told him Dex kinda likes him but remember what happened the last time he stayed here.

He said yes and that's over with, he'll put his things in the guestroom and sense  that mean ass Bell won't make him lunch I can take him out to eat, it'll probably be better than what she'll make. I said funny he remembers her name now, and I told him I don't want him starting anything with Bell, so promise me there won't be any trouble, he said he'll promise, but tell Bell the same thing he went upstairs. 

I called Dex and told him we have a house guest, he said Rex is home, I said no it's Davis, Dex didn't say anything, I told him Davis promised to be on his best behavior. Dex said as long as he doesn't start any trouble he can stay, last time he was the house guest from hell.

I told him this time I'll make sure he acts right, Dex said it looks like we'll be locking our bedroom door again, Davis likes to just walk in our room, it's like he knows when we were going to have sex. I told bae that won't happen, he asked me what am I up too, I told him Bell's not going to fix Davis lunch so I'm taking him out.

 Dex said that's good, he'll see me when he gets home, and make sure I tell Davis the house rules, make it clear to him, I told him I will and not  to worry about a thing. Bae said he wasn't until I said that when it comes to Davis. He said love me and I said love him more and hung up.

Davis said how cute we're still in the honeymoon stage of our marriage, I turned around and he said he's ready to go, I told him before we go he has to hear the house rules, he said he knows stay away from Bell and no walking around the house free balling with his hoochie daddy shorts on, or being naked by the pool.

I said yeah that too and no walking in our bedroom, knock first and wait until we say come in, he said he's got it can we go now a bitch hungry. I told him okay but just remember what I said we left and went to eat, I hope he acts right or he'll have to go and that could mess up our friendship.

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