Part 12

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He's dangerous:

I haven't heard from Parker, so I decided to call him, his phone went to voicemail,I said hey brother in-law I'm still waiting on you, give me a call when you get my message, as soon as I hung up my phone rang. I thought it was Parker but it was Marcelo he said he waited for me for an hour what happened, I  asked him why was he waiting for me, he said we were supposed to meet for lunch.

Oh shit brother I forgot we were having lunch today, I'm sorry my mind has been on a few things, I'll make it up to you, he said he ran into Dex and Shawn they ate with him, I said Dex didn't mention he had lunch with him.

Marcelo asked me what else is going on, how's things with Dex and I, I told him we're fine, he said he wants to see my face and I can tell him he's on his way over, he has a odd feeling somethings wrong it's a twin thing. Before I could say again I fine he hung up, now I have to put on a fake smile so my brother won't suspect anything, this is the one time I hated being a twin.

I heard the doorbell ringing,Marcelo couldn't have gotten here so fast, Bell and that bastard X were out so I answered the door, it's Parker I said come in what did he find out about Xavier Cane?

Marco that guy has been in and out of jail, the cops suspect him of killing his ex, and he just got out of a mental hospital  six months ago now tell me what's really going on and how do you know that guy? 

Parker, I hired him to help out around here, I should've checked him out before I hired him, he told me to get rid of him he's dangerous, I told him I will keep this between me and him, I don't want Dex to know I fucked up, I'll  get rid of him. Parker said make sure I do or he'll have to tell Dex and I don't want them to deal with Parker, he said he'll see his way out, he left damn what did I get myself into thinking with my dick and not my head.

Right after Parker left the doorbell rang, it has to be Marcelo, I put on a fake smile and answered the door, I said hey my brother come on in, he looked at me and said damn I'm all dick and ass I need to eat. I said do I really look that bad, he said I am slender but I can use a few pounds he sees that Dex keeps my ass nice and fat.

We sat down in the living room he asked me what's wrong, and don't say nothing he's starting to know me in the short time we found out we're brothers.

Okay! I haven't been sleeping very well, to be honest I'm scared of being a father, Marcelo asked me if I really want a child could that be it. I told him I do and I love kids, it's just that the kid is going to have a hard time having same sex parents and I don't want my baby hurt by this cruel world.

Marco, you can only do so much to protect your child, you and Dex just make sure to tell my niece or nephew the world can be cruel, but it's changed since we were kids just love the kid and you know I'm going to spoil them. He said but he's still scared, I told him once he sees his baby he'll say fuck what the world has to say and love and protect his child the best he and Dex can.

He said he's glad I came over, he needed to hear that, I asked him did he talk to Dex about how he feels, he said no but now he doesn't need to, and thanked me for talking some sense into him,I told him that's what brother's are for and I'm glad he shared that with me.

Marco said come upstairs he wants to show me something, we went up to his room and he went into  his closet and came out with a bunch of lingerie, he said knowing Dex they won't stay on long, I said the blue pair has the balls and the ass out, I kinda like those myself, he said take them and rock Shawn's world just a thank you gift for making him see things clearly.

I told him okay I'll take them, he said he has something else to show me and he went back into the closet and had a box in his hand, he opened it and it had sex toys in it. I asked him is he sure everything with him and Dex good, he laughed and said there fine he just wanted to try new stuff before the baby gets here, because they won't be as wild in there sex life dealing with late night feedings and other stuff.

I told him I'm thirsty I'll be right back, Marco shook his head and said the lingerie and sex toys got me hot, I told him he's silly and went downstairs, I went into the kitchen and got some ice tea, Bell makes the best sweet tea, I felt a slap on my ass, I said you need to stop playing so much, a voice said lets go to the garage apartment and fuck like we did in Miami. I closed the fridge door and this dude is standing there smiling, I asked him who the fuck is he, he said I'm funny acting like I don't know him.

He looked at me and said there's something different about me, when did I start wearing glasses, I told him I don't know who he thinks I am but he better get out of here before I have my brother call the police, he said now he gets it I'm the twin brother and he walked out the patio door.

I watched him go to the garage apartment, Bell came in and said she sees I have my eyes on Xavier, I asked her who is he, she said he helps her around here, I went up the backstairs fuck Marco must be messing around with him. I walked into the room and asked him who's this Xavier dude, he said I met him he's just helping Bell, I said and it seems that he's helping himself to him.

Marco asked me what did I mean by the, I told him the dude slapped me on the ass and thought I was him, now what the fuck is going on and don't tell me nothing, because that Xavier did already told me you fucked.

Okay, Marcelo we did, I made a mistake, and I'm trying to get rid of him but I have to be careful how I do it or he could tell Dex, he said how could I bring my lover here I'm asking for trouble. I told him everything Parker told me, he said damn the dude is crazy too let's go to the garage and beat his ass and put him the fuck out, I told him we can't do that he'll tell Dex and I'll lose him, he said pay him off.

I told him I tried, he won't take the money, Marcelo said there's something I'm not telling him, I told him about Sasha and his wife and I think she's behind this, he said I really fucked up, I could lose everything and I have a baby coming.

He told me we'll put Parker on him, I said if we do he'll tell Dex, he said we just won't tell him everything and have him just kill that Xavier guy, I looked at him Marcelo said Parker has other people do that kind of stuff for the family if need be. I told him if we do that we're no better than he is, he said what else can I do sleep with the dude not unless I want too.

I told him no, I only want Dex, he said I should've thought about that before I slept with my doctor and that crazy nut Xavier, I'm in a big mess until we can think of something to stay away from Xavier. He said he's going home remember stay away from that nut case, Marcelo hugged me and said he'll think of something and he left.

I went to the balcony and I could see X in his window naked looking at me, I went back into the room, fuck what am I going to do and Dex is going out of town in a few days and X will want me to sleep with him. I got down on my knees and prayed that's all I could think to do.

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