Part 19

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Going back to what happened:

I'm sitting in my office, I'm going through my mail, I have one letter from Cecil Phillips another attorney here in Savannah,I opened the letter it's from Davis stating I need to know about the man I'm married too, Davis wrote how Marco slept with Xavier and Sasha. I said to myself why would Davis lie about this is he trying to mess up what we have, but he would have to have proof to say this.

I kept staring at the letter, I remembered that I had Marco's book notes in my briefcase that I got from Frank, and looked at the handwriting it's the same as Davis's, it's not Marco's handwriting so all of this is true. I felt like dying the man I love has betrayed me with other men, Parker walked in the office and said my secretary wasn't at her desk.

He  looked at my face and asked what was wrong, I showed him the notes, Parker said Marco had him check out Xavier but the social security numbers didn't match the name, he told him it was just for research for his book. I told him Marco had his lover living in the garage apartment, I told Parker I'm going home just when things are going so well. We have a baby coming and he does this.

Parker told me to calm down, he knows me, please don't do anything crazy just tell Marco to leave, he made his bed he'll have to deal with what he did, I just put the letter in my briefcase and went home.

When I got there I sat in my car trying to calm down, I wanted to put my hands on Marco, but that's not the answer, I got out of the car and went into the house Bell said I'm home early Marco is out on the patio. I just went upstairs to my room, I went out on the balcony and saw Marco talking to Frank, he walked away and Marco looked up at me and waved I went into the bedroom.

I called Mary and told her that Marco will be coming to stay with her, I don't want him in my house, she asked me why what's going on, I told her she should ask Marco. She said I called her so tell me what he did, I told her about Marco having his lover living in the garage apartment, Marco came into the room, I handed him the phone he asked who is it, I told him just take the phone. He talked to his mom and hung up, he said he doesn't understand why I told his mom that Xavier was his lover. That's when I told him about the letter, and to pack his things and move out.

He tried to explain, I told him no need he's a hoe, I'm going out and when I get back I want him gone I left. When I got downstairs Bell asked me if everything was alright, I told her that Marco is moving out and I walked out the door, I got in my car and drove away.

I ended up at Robins, I had a drink and kept thinking about Marco, now I'm beginning to wonder if he ever loved me, and if he really wanted a child, I ordered another drink. this guy at the other end of the bar smiled at me, I got up and sat at a table.

A few minutes later he came up to the table and asked would I like some company, I told him no thanks, he walked away I took out my phone and started to call Marco and ask him did he ever love me, but I put the phone down. I finished my drink and went to the bathroom, after I finished and washed my hands I realized I left my phone on the table. I went back and my phone wasn't there the guy came back and said I need to be careful I left my phone on the table,  he handed me my phone I thanked him.

I offered to buy him a drink, he said sure and we sat down and I called for the waiter and ordered him a drink, I ordered coffee for myself he introduced himself and I told him my name, he said that old line what's a good looking dude like myself doing here alone, I told him I just needed to get out of the house, what about him. He said same with him, he just needed to get away from his wife, he gathers the same for me, I told him actually I needed to get away from my husband, he said oh I'm in a same sex relationship. That's no problem for him, he messed around in college, our drinks came and we talked for awhile, I said nice meeting him he asked would I like to exchange numbers just to talk, I told him I'm fine and paid the check and left.

I got home and Bell asked me did I eat, I told her I'm not hungry and went to my room, I looked at the bed that Marco and I made love in, I started thinking maybe they had sex in our bed and took the sheets off the bed, and throw them in the hall and just got in bed.

The next morning I woke up and went into the bathroom and got undressed and took a shower, afterwards I got dressed and went downstairs, I told Bell to order me a new bed and throw the old one away. She said she won't ask why, I went into the breakfast room and Brandon is having coffee, I poured myself a cup too, he asked where is Marco, Bell told him he left here last night, I told him to check with his aunt I assume he's there. 

Brandon asked me what's going on I told him he should ask Marco, and I don't think he should come here anymore, he said okay and finished his coffee and left, Bell brought in my breakfast. I stared at the end of the table where Marco sat, I told Bell to have Frank take this table set out of here, and she can order a new one, she said okay I'm acting silly now what's going on and why did Marco leave.

I told her everything, well I didn't tell her about what Mike and Marcelo did, I told her Marco isn't welcome here, she said what about the baby Marco wants to be a father too, I said he can find someone else to have a child with he won't come near my child. I told her I'm not hungry and I'm sure Marco will come and get the rest of his things and I don't want to see him, I left the house.

I got to my office and my secretary  said my brother in law is waiting for me in my office, I told her if Marco calls I'm unavailable for him, I walked into the office and Marcelo is standing by the window, he turned around I told him if he's here to plead Marco's case I don't want to hear it.

He said he doesn't blame me for being angry, but he's not here for Marco he's old enough to fight his own battles, he wondered what I was going to do about the information I got about him and Mike. Since I'm an officer of the court, I told him they're my clients I can't reveal anything, I opened my briefcase and took out the letter about them and I tore it in half. I gave him the half  about him and Mike, I told him to do what he wanted with it.

As for the other half I'll use it when I divorce Marco, he told me make sure this is what I really want, he walked out, I called Patty in my office, I told her she's going to start a divorce procedure, she said we don't handle divorce cases, I told her we do now. And it's mine, she said okay when I'm ready I can fill her in on the details, but think about it, she walked out of my office. I love Marco but I can't trust him ever again, and I don't want my child near him.

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