Part 8

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Do you know how to love:

Two days before we were to go home Bran got a call from Marcus saying his mother died, Bran went home and I finished the last few days here in Miami, I called Dex and told him about Marcus's mom he said he'll send flowers. He asked me how's the tour going I am coming home in a few days right; I told him all is good and yes; I'm coming home to my man who I miss.

And it's time we found a surrogate, I'm ready to be a father, he said I will make a great daddy and he'll need help since he really didn't have a male role model other than Ekim, I know his situation with his dad. I told him I'll be there to help, and if our child turns out to be gay, we'll support him or her no matter what, bae said this is why he loves me.

I told him I love him more, he said he has a meeting he'll call me tonight, I said okay and I'm looking forward to our phone sex, bae said let's take a break and save it for when I get home, he'll give Bell sometime off and we can fuck all over the house, my dick jumped and I said that sounds hot, he said love me and I returned the love and hung up.

I got dressed and headed to my last book signing, I'm feeling good I haven't thought about Sasha, and I haven't heard from him which is good, and the best thing is Dex is ready to move on with our family with a kid.

I got to the bookstore and people were lined up outside the door people greeted me saying they love my books, I thanked them and walked inside. Everything is set up and plenty of books were there for me to sign, I sat behind the table and began signing the books, I young dude who looked like he was in college asked me where I get my inspiration to write such great stories, I told him from life's experiences and friends. Another dude asked is any of the characters me, I said no, but some of my characters have such great sex maybe that's me.

I said next, I said who should I make this out to, I smelt a familiar perfume the voice said make it out to Kelly Fisher, I looked up at her, she said she already has an autograph copy of Knowing Me. I signed the book to Kelly Fisher a loyal reader and handed her the book she stood there for a second and walked away.

I signed more books and wondered why Kelly Fisher stared at me like that, Sasha said they have an open relationship don't ask don't tell, it hit me about the perfume she's wearing, I smelt it in the hall of Sasha's office the first night Sasha fucked me. Damn Kelly was there, at least she didn't make a scene about me being with Sasha, but from the look on her face this isn't over with I have to stay away from him. Woman can be treacherous when there mad.

I said next, this guy looked rough and didn't even look like he ever read a book  a day in his life, looks can be deceiving, he said he loved Knowing Me and this book is even better, make it out to X, I did and wrote read more X and signed my name, I handed the book to him and he smiled at me and walked away.

I signed twenty more books and called it a day, I decided tomorrow I'm going home, I went back to the hotel and ordered dinner, my phone rang I checked the caller I.D it's Davis I answered the call. He called me a bitch and said I don't know how to call anyone back; I told him he knows how things get when I go on my book tour.

He asked me how much longer I will be on tour, he's ready to come down to hillbilly Savannah and see me, I told him to watch that my home is a peaceful place, he said I need to admit it that I miss New York. I said not really and besides my family and man are there, he said speaking of men, here it comes Davis is about to tell me about some dude he's slept with.

Sure enough that's what he talked about for ten minutes, there's a knock on the door, I lied and  told Davis I have another call it's Dex, he said call him back after we have phone sex and he hung up, I answered the door and it's the dude from the book store, he cleans up well he had a cart and pushed it into the room, I signed for the food and gave him a twenty dollar tip, he said if I need anything else just call. 

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