Part 5

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Doctor, doctor:

I woke up and Dex  is smiling at me,  I asked him why is he smiling at me like that, he said because he loves me so much, and he's taking the day off just to be with me,  I said good we can spend the day in bed, he said when we get back. We better get out of bed and shower and get dressed, he can smell Bell's sweet rolls and after breakfast he's taking me to my doctors appointment.

I asked him what's this doctor's name and is he any good, bae said doctor Fisher is very good young but he knows what he's doing. We got out of bed and went into the bathroom and showered, I'm sure I'm fine and just needed some rest,after we finished we  got dressed and went downstairs and ate,Dex said we better get going my appointment is at ten.

Bell asked if I would be back for lunch, Dex told her he's taking me to lunch, we left and Dex asked me how I'm feeling, I told him fine my butt hole hurts a little from last night and he knows why. He said well I'm too young for a prostate exam, so he doesn't think doc Fisher will be messing with my ass hole that's his job.

We got to the Alexander medical building and parked, we walked into the building and went to the third floor, we walked in and the girl at the counter said she didn't know Dex has an appointment today, he told her the appointment is for me, she said oh yes it says Marco King. She gave me some papers to fill out and she asked for my medical card, I gave it to her. I'm glad I'm on Dex's plan or I would be paying out of pocket, we took a seat, a woman came in and the lady at the counter said good morning doctor Fisher her ten o'clock is here. The doctor went into the back, Dex you didn't tell me the doctor is a woman, he said his doctor is a man that's his wife.

I said good I didn't want to have her make me cough while touching my nuts, I finished filling out the paper work and gave it to the girl at the counter, and I sat back down. A few minutes later we were called into the back, and told the doctor would be right in, I looked around and saw pictures on the desk and the doctor looked familiar to me. I saw a name plate I went to school with a Sasha Fisher he was a few grades ahead of me in high school.

The doctor came in and greeted Dex, bae introduced me to him, it is the same guy and he's fine as ever, I said hello Sasha, he looked at me and said I look familiar to him, I told him we went to high school together he was a few grades ahead of me, he knows my brother Mike.

Sasha said he remembers me now I used to follow him around, he sat down behind his desk, and asked about Mike, I told him he's fine he lives here now too. Sasha asked me what brings me here, I told him I've been tired a lot and haven't been sleeping much,  Dex insisted I get checked out,but I'm good now and have even been sleeping better, see I'm a writer and had to get my book out and now that its finished I'm better.

Sasha said he didn't put it together until now I'm Dane Morrison, his wife loves my books.He said the nurse will take my vitals and we'll go from there, she came in and I went with her, I wonder if Sasha will tell Dex we messed around on the D.L. no I don't think he would tell him that.

Sasha had all the girls and me too, we messed around until he went to college and I went up to Georgia state a few times and we fucked, well he fucked me, I had such a crush on him. The nurse took my vitals and said I can put the gown on the doctor will be with me soon, she walked out of the room and I got undressed and put the gown on, even though Sasha has seen me naked several times, back in the day.

Sasha came in and read my chart, he  said everything looks good, but he does want me to leave a urine sample and get some blood work done, he checked me and had me lay back on the table I hope I don't get hard. He touched my body in places that made me laugh, Sasha said he always could make me laugh, he told me to sit up and get up and touch my toes, he just wants me to bend over. I did what he said and he told me to pull down my underwear, I guess it's time for the cough and touch my balls thing.

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