Part 14

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Nothing is what it seems:

I'm glad Mike gave me those sleeping pills, I can only sleep if I take them, he said he has plenty and he'll give me more, I did ask Mike why he takes them, he said sometimes he can't sleep. I told him tomorrow Dex comes home and I'll be out of his hair, he said and stay my ass out of trouble Dex is a good dude I don't deserve him.

I told him I know and no more fucking up, I know what I have in him, Mike told me we won't talk about this anymore. My phone rang it's Davis that's all I need is him telling me who he screwed, I answered the call knowing if I don't he'll blow my phone up.

He asked me when I'm coming home he has so much to tell me, I asked him when did he get back, he said just now and Bell told him where I am, I told him I'll be home tomorrow, he said he'll just wait until I get home, he wouldn't dare show up at Mike's house, I told him yeah don't do that. I told him we're on our way out I'll see him tomorrow and hung up, so I lied I just wasn't in the mood for him.

Marcelo walked in the room and said we fucked up and handed Mike an envelope, I asked what's wrong, Mike gave me the envelope, the note said I know what you and your brother did and I want one hundred thousand dollars, you'll get another envelope soon telling when and where to leave the money. I said it's my fault I'll pay the money, Marcelo said the money isn't the issue someone knows what we did.

Patrick came into the room he said Mike has mail without a return address or a stamp on it, he gave it to Mike and said hello to Marcelo, Mike opened it and he said it was just something from the gardener. Patrick said if he needs him he'll be in the office and walked out of the room.

He handed the envelope to me it said the same thing Marcelo's note said, Mike said I am going to pay it, until we can find out who saw them, this is fucked up, I said it's my fault.

Marcelo said if they got notes maybe I did too, I called Bell and asked her did the mail come yet, she said yes it did the odd thing is I have an envelope with just my name it doesn't have a stamp or return address on it. I told her just put all the mail in my room I'll check it out tomorrow, she said okay and since Xavier quit, I'm going to hire someone else, I told her I didn't think of that I told her yes. In fact call Frank Webb, and offer him the job tell him it's his if he wants it. She said okay she just can't understand why Xavier quit she liked him, I told her if Frank takes the job give him a chance, I hung up.

I told them I got an envelope too so whoever saw what happened wants money from all of us, we'll just have to pay it, Marcelo said whoever it is won't stop they'll keep on asking for money. Who could've seen what happened and why did they wait until now to send those notes, I said it can't be our neighbor we're too far away from them, and there's trees covering the balcony.

Mike said he hates to say it but that night when did Bell get home, I told him it can't be her she wouldn't do that to us and besides how could she have put the envelopes in our mail boxes without someone seeing her. Mike said no one is at my house so she could easily put mine in the mail. I told him he's on the wrong track, and I thought he liked Bell he said he does. Okay if not her somebody saw everything to blackmail us.

Marcelo said okay our fingerprints and Patrick's are on Mikes envelope and just maybe the person who sent the notes, he'll have Parker check them out he'll take Mikes too but not mines he doesn't want Parker asking any questions about me. I said now he's protecting me, Marcelo said someone has to look out for the baby brother, Mike said baby brother better learn to stay out of trouble for now on. And it's not just me but all of us.

Marcelo said he's going to see Parker he'll call us if he finds out anything he left, I told Mike he thought it could be Bell what if it's Pat he brought the envelope in maybe he knew we would have the envelope checked out knowing we'd find his prints too.

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