Not a chapter but a question regarding the story!

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Firstly I want to thank every single one of you for reading this story! You are amazing! This story is not as good as I would like it to be but even with unfrequent updates it kinda became my baby and I will end what I started!

Sooo I'm pretty sure I have the ending for this in my mind, not fledged out or anything but an idea and lemme tell you this would be a bitter sweet ending.

Some characters might die if I pull through with said ending but, like, I feel like so many gay people die in shows and books.

And this is a Honkai fic, there are characters that we love and I got to meet some of the most well written characters I had ever seen. Eventualy killing one of them, nothing is decited yet, feels weird to think about so I need my readers help.

Feel free to give your opinion on my said worries, I want an ending that satisfys me as the author and my readers.

Also, new chapter is coming either today or tomorrow with a small twist!

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