Chapter 1 "The serpent pit"

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A pit of sea serpents had been traveling through the spring water, all 36 of them had a human-like torso with gills above their hips, extremely long serpent-like tails with glistering blue scales, fins that go from their neck down to the ends of their tails, they each had a pair of fins where most dragons ears would be.. their eyes were pure black like a starless night sky, and their fingers were webbed to increase swimming skills.

We are focusing on a young one, seemingly at the age of 17. His name? Dev. Dev had a long 8'3 tail, and an average sized torso. Like the rest of his family Dev had been quite the curious serpent, always approaching things that could be dangerous.. this time he approached the meeting between the ocean and the land.

He looked up, seeing a figure.. none of the other sea serpents had noticed Dev had separated from the pit.. yet. Dev stared up at the figure.. it was quite blurry through the water.
It seemed like the figure had noticed Dev since it was tilting its head. Dev smirked as he got an idea, he swam down and gathered momentum, shooting himself up and out of the water, causing the other person to jump in surprise.

"AH! HEY! WHAT THE FUCK-" the person shouted, staring at Dev who had jumped onto land, most of his serpent half had stayed in the water.

"Wow, your ... Interesting.."
Dev mumbled, pulling himself closer to the person.

Dev took in their appearance. Brown short hair.. red horns that seemed to be still growing, orange eyes that were like fire.. if Dev even knew what fire was. Red wings that were quite large, and a barbed tail with fire at the tip, and their skin was.. covered in red markings.

Dev grasped onto the fire dragons hand, examining it closely.

"What the fuck are you..?" The person said, staring at Dev who had been examining his hand.

"Your claws are shorter than mine.. you must not hunt like me snicker weak... You're also pretty damn warm.. very warm." Dev pulled the person over, hugging them, relaxing in their body warmth.

"Let me go! You're going to extinguish my fire and get me soaked!" The person squirmed as Dev held them tightly.

"Fire..?" Dev questioned curiously as he let go of the person, looking at their tail. He poked the fire and in an instant retracted his webbed hands. "OW! THAT FUCKING HURT!" He jerked back, holding his hand in pain, clenching his sharp teeth which would typically be used for tearing into the flesh of sharks or large fish.

"That's kinda what happens when you touch fire, it burns.. well not for me. Because-" the person stood up and spread their wings, swishing their tail around behind themselves. "IM A FIRE DRAGON!" They said with excitement, looking at Dev who had still been holding his hand from the pain.

"okay- well.. I'm Dev, a sea serpent! What's your name?" Dev said, slithering onto land like a snake. He was a lot taller now that his entire serpent half was now out of water, helping him tower above the fire dragon who was presumably 7'8.

"Uhm.." the fire dragon said, staring up at Dev as they tucked their wings behind their spiked yet clothed back. "Kier." Kier said softly, he was still trying to comprehend how tall that Dev was.

Dev leaned down, placing his webbed hand on Kiers hair, his hand travelling over to Kiers right horn. "You're.. short. Very short." Dev chuckled softly, looking down at Kier

"Yeah well at least my eyes don't look like the fucking void." Kier mocked, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms, flapping his wings once.

Dev growled as he went back in the water, the tip of his tail hitting Kiers ankles softly. Kier crouched down, looking into the water. "Wait! Hey! Come back!" He shouted, looking into the water with worry.

Ocean fire •Kiev/ Kier x dev•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang