chapter 19 "a long journey 1/2"

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Kier was helping Dev change the bandage on his scars so they weren't as bloody and so they could get some air.

"Hey Dev..?" Kier spoke softly, wrapping bandages around his best friend, Dev's waist.

Dev's tail found its way to Kier, wrapping around his thigh. His ear fins gently moved back and forth, listening to the fire dragons voice.

"Yes?" Dev asked, looking at the circular window which was next to the round bed he and Kier would cuddle on together at night.

Kier finished bandaging Dev's waist, and put them away where they could be found in case of future emergencies that might end up happening.

"I love you,," Kier mumbled, wrapping his arms around Dev, using his wings to cover both of them as well. "And I will never stop loving you." Kier softly kissed around Dev's fragile gills, showing as much affection as he could to Dev.

Dev's tail tightened around Kier's thigh. If his tail would squeeze any harder it could possibly cut off circulation. But Dev quickly realized how tight he was squeezing and slightly loosened it.

Dev moved and rolled onto his stomach, laying on Kier's lap which he had found to be quite comfortable. "I love you too, Kier.. I truly do." Dev spoke in a gentle tone, wrapping his arms tightly around Kier's waist.

Kier pet Dev's head, feeling his soft and curly hair among his fingertips. He enjoyed the feeling of Dev's hair. Something about it made him feel happy inside... or maybe that was just Dev in general? Either way Kier loved everything about his snake friend.

Then.. they heard a knocking at the door of the cottage. Dev stood up, deciding that he would go and answer it rather than troubling Kier to do it. He limped to the door and opened it- Boosfer and YelloWool!

"Hey guys," Dev mumbled, rubbing his eye with his palm.

YelloWools tail wagged, holding the hand of the ridgeback dragon who stood next to him. "Hey Dev! Where is Kier?" YelloWool asked, looking around inside the cottage.

Dev yawned while speaking, "He is in bed right now, why?"

"We are planning on taking you two somewhere, so go get ready for a big trip!" Boosfer exclaimed, his outfit seemed to be dressed for cold climates. And the same was with YelloWool- dressed for cold climates.

Dev nodded and limped back to Kier, his heavy tail swaying behind him.

"Get dressed, Kier, we are leaving" Dev stated, putting on some warm clothes the elves had temporarily gifted for him to wear.

Kier nodded and began to put on multiple layers of clothing. He used a knife to widen the openings for his wings on the outer clothing layers so they could move around a bit more. The same with the holes around his tail, making sure it had enough space to move.

Dev knew he would get hungry on the way so he decided to stuff a bag with tons of portable foods. Of course he brought a pot for boiling water so they had something to drink as well.

Dev grabbed the bag and he and Kier walked outside.

"Come on!" YelloWool exclaimed and then transformed into his coyote form, Boosfer climbing up on his back.

Kier decided he wanted to ride on YelloWools back as well. He wasn't too heavy due to how large YelloWool was in full coyote form.

Dev sighed.. being the tallest of his friend group did not have as many benefits as he thought it did.

YelloWool trotted and Dev followed, meanwhile Kier and Boosfer talked on top of YelloWool's back.

They traveled for quite some time. Dev was barely even able to keep up with his friends due to the weakness of his body.

Ocean fire •Kiev/ Kier x dev•Where stories live. Discover now