chapter 7 "new guy"

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Kier had been feeling a bit better since he was sick. His nose is more clear making it easier to breathe. He's been having less headaches so he's been able to be around Dev more. But he's still sneezing and coughing a bit.

Dev was swimming around in the water, catching fish for him and Kier to eat.

Kier saw blood in the water which he had just assumed was the fish Dev was killing.

He was wrong.

He noticed something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Dev? DEV! DEV ARE YOU OKAY?!" Kier shouted, he tapped the water with his hands to cause splashing and ripples.

There was no response.

Kier was getting worried but then.. something happened that made him calm down.

Dev sprung out of the water, he was holding something under the water.. but what?

———what happened with Dev———

Dev swam around, catching fish. Each time he caught a fish he would swim to land and bring it to Kier.

While he was trying to find another fish he came across something unexpected. He came across a mako shark.

At first he wasn't going to go near the mako but.. his instincts caught up to him. He knew how good that shark would taste. And how proud Kier would be if he managed to kill it.

Dev bared his teeth as he charged at the shark, unaware that the shark was as strong as it was.

He charged, digging his claws into the back fin, causing the shark to squirm. He went to claw the face to hopefully blind the shark but his hand was bitten.

He growled when his hand got bitten. The shark started to move back and forth, tearing some of the webbing between his fingers.

Dev used his free hand to claw the eyes, blinding the shark completely.

He moved quickly and so did the shark. He was doing his best to not set off any senses. He latched onto the shark's gills, his extreme bite force tearing through the poor makos gills.

The shark squirmed and bit Dev's tail, tearing the blue and grey scales to shreds. There was so much blood in the water it was hard for Dev to see clearly through it.

Dev bit down on the shark's forehead, between it's eyes. He started to mainly target the stomach and the head.

Devs tail wrapped tightly around the shark's gills as he got above the shark. He tore at the head like crazy while his tail blocked the gills.

The shark was suffering a slow and painful death. Dev didn't even let it fully die.

He noticed the shark was nearly dead and couldn't quite move well. He held the large shark under the water as he looked over at Kier who seemed... Scared to say the least.

"DEV I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" He shouted worriedly and angrily.

"No.. but I have something that is almost dead!" Dev swam over, still holding the shark.

He threw the shark up on land. It didn't even move. It was probably dead by now.

"Dev what the hell you could have DIED!" Kier leaned down and hugged Dev tightly, burying his face into Dev's neck.

"I'm not dead though, but the shark is. And that means we can eat it together" Dev stated, rubbing Kier's back. He ran his fingers along the spikes.

"I hate you Dev." Kier pulled Dev even closer.

Ocean fire •Kiev/ Kier x dev•Where stories live. Discover now