chapter 14 "Winter sucks"

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Winter had been approaching soon, which would mean that Dev would have to migrate somewhere warmer.. even though the place where Kier lived was the warmest around, it became extremely cold in the waters.

Even the fire dragons had to stalk up on food and prepare for the winter. However the wind dragons adored winter, which causes it to get very cold. The more excited the wind dragons were, the harsher the weather was.

Neither Kier or Dev wanted to be separated for so long. It would be a pain to not see each other for what was around six to seven months. After all they had such a strong and inseparable bond and stripping them away from each other would be a huge mistake.

They had to come up with an idea fast. If they didn't they would be separated. Sure they've only known each other for less than a year. But that didn't stop them from having a strong bond.

"So we both need a warm place to stay otherwise we could freeze to death.." Kier thought. He had recently woken up so his voice was more different than usual, and he wasn't as energetic.

As for Dev.. he hadn't slept at all due to the nightmare from before. It just kept haunting. But for some reason it always had a sort of alternative to it.. like sometimes Kier would have a sword through his chest instead of being drowned.. or it would take place at the fae island.

"Why can't we just cuddle..?" The tired sea serpent mumbled, resting his head on Kier's warm and heated lap.

Kier softly chuckled and said "Because you can come on land for too long and I can't go in the water, stupid" Kier softly pet Dev's head like one would pet a kitten laying on their lap.

"Mmmh.." Dev groaned, pulling himself more onto land so he could feel more of Kier's warmth on his body.

Kier thought for a long hard moment, his brain barely being able to think up anything good.

Dev looked up at Kier and yawned before he began to speak. "What about those hot pond places? I don't know quite what they're called.."

"Oh yeah. . ." Kier mumbled with a pause, thinking of what Dev was talking about. "Are you talking about the hot springs?" He asked, softly rubbing Dev's cheek with his right thumb.

Dev nodded, one of his hands reaching up to grip Kier's waist with his third knuckle webbed hands.

"We could but- y'know what. . Yeah. I'm taking you to a hot spring. I'm going to bring you food every single day! No matter how cold it is I will make sure you're okay!" Kier leaned down, managing to cup Dev's face and kiss his forehead, his warm lips pressed against Dev's forehead softly.

"Mmhm.. I love you, Kier.." Dev lifted himself up and softly kissed Kier's nose, pressing their forehead together with a smile.

Kier smirked before straddling Dev and flipping the two over so Dev was under him. "Hah," he teased, making sure to give Dev enough space to move back into the water if he needed to. "You are stuck now.."

Kier's smirk softened to a smile and he laid down on Dev.

Dev softly hissed by accident, his back arching, causing his stomach to press against Kier.

"You never said 'I love you' back, Kier."
Dev said, jokingly upset.

"Fine.. fine.. I love you too, Dev" Kier said with a gentle and caring smile upon his lips.

Dev slid underwater, sliding between Kier's two legs. Kier tried to ignore it since of course Dev didn't understand really anything about Kier's body.

Kier took a deep breath and turned to face the cold, deep sea. Oh the trauma he got from that damned place.

Ocean fire •Kiev/ Kier x dev•Where stories live. Discover now