Spring Broken

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I was sitting in the backseat with Millie and Moxxie as Loona sat in the front with Blitz poorly attempting to sing the song playing on the radio. Millie stuck her head out the window as I handed Moxxie some sound proof headphones.
"Be careful, these are expensive." I told him.
"Thanks." He said before carefully putting them on. Barely a moment later it was like Blitz truly lost control over the car since I had to grip my seatbelt for dear life. As I was trying to regain my breath he began shouting at a pink car through a megaphone.
"You okay?" Moxxie asked me, handing me back my headphones.
"Yes.. Just was not expecting that." I told him as I put my headphones away. When I finally caught my breath I noticed Blitz fell out of the car. I rolled down my window and peeked over the car, sitting on the door.
Holy shit.. That's Verosika!
I couldn't even focus on what they were fighting about before I saw a familiar face walk up behind Blitz and growl at him. Blitz looked packed before saying something about HR and they all laughed.
"By the name of the red sun in Wrath is that you Vortex?!" I called before jumping out my window and running around the car. Vortex looked over at me and smiled. I ran over to him and gave him a fist bump. "What are ya doing here man!? I haven't seen you in ages!" I asked before we gave each other a hug.
"Oh my boss got a place here. We're going to be here for the next week. What are ya doing here?" He asked me.
"I work here too! This is awesome we can finally catch up! Come on show me your workplace!" I said to him and we began to walk away.
"Hoco!" Blitz shouted at me. I looked at him and he looked mad.
"One second." I told Vortex before walking away.
"What in hell do you think you're doing?" He asked me.
"Vortex is an old buddy of mine, we lost contact years ago and we can finally reconnect, I've been dying for this moment! I promise I won't do anything bad! Please?" I asked him. I sighed before waving his hand.
"Go." He told me. I smiled before catching up to Vortex. We walked and talked, catching up on old times, he told me how he got hired and I told him how I got hired as well, who I got adopted by since he wasn't comfortable talking about that just yet.
"So I guess your dreams really did come true huh? You got hired to be an assassin and your dad still keeps you home?" He asked me.
"Yep! He doesn't like the thought of me moving out just yet so.." I shrugged. I didn't even notice we stopped walking until Loona bumped into Vortex. I noticed her blushing and I rolled my eyes. "Oh Vortex, I almost forgot, meet my coworker-"
"You mean friend right?" Loona interrupted.
"A friend would know my name. Anyways. This is my coworker Loona." I told him before Blitz got in front of her. "And this is my boss Blitz."
"Hi big man! Where's your bitch bag of an employer?" He asked. Vortex and I looked at each other before he responded.
"She's in her office. There wasn't any room on the second floor so they rented one here." He said, I pointed over to the door.
"Oh come on!" Blitz shouted. Vortex let out a chuckle.
"Sorry man." He said before we walked away. Vortex took me to the room where they eat and we split a sandwich while we continued catching up. Suddenly Loona busted into the room and grabbed me before dragging me away.
"Uh.. Later Vortex." I said before being dragged out of the room.
"Later." He said, waving. Loona dragged me into the meeting room as Blitz explained his plan. I just grabbed my phone and scrolled through Sinstagram again. I listened but a lot of it was either nonsense or I didn't understand it. Blitz and Moxxie started fighting as usual again. Then Loona spoke up.
"Hey is there a way I can come with you guys this time?" Loona asked.
"Absolutely not I forbid it not gonna happen, sorry sweetie Spring Break isn't a time for young vulnerable goth girls, you know the kind of FREAKS up there that would drool all over you." Blitz said.
Shit fourth wall broke.
"Well I can blend in with humans easy enough, just let me tag along!" Loona said.
"Wait.. Say that again." Blitz said.
"I can.. Blend in?" Loona repeated.
"Do you have a human disguise?" Millie asked.
"Well no shit." I said.
"Don't you?" Loona asked. They stayed quiet.
"Oh my God that makes sense why I don't see why if you when in disguised.." I groaned to myself.
"You three have been screwing around on earth this whole fucking time, without human disguises!?" Loona started to scold them.
"Okay new plan!" Blitz shouted before crudely scribbling on a piece of paper. "Loonie and Hoco will lead the humans to us and we'll take care of the rest!" Blitz said. I rolled my eyes before getting up and walking away to grab the book. Once the three imps came back I used the book and opened a portal and we walked through, Loona and I smelled the list before going into our disguises. I quickly got to work. I kept leading humans to Millie and Moxxie as Loona and Blitz got distracted, and we continued our work. But eventually we got separated and I decided to wait under the bleachers.
Ding ding ding
You got one new message on Sinstagram
I swiped open my phone.
"Hey. - Octavia"
"Hey! - Hoco"
"You busy? Kinda wanna call you rn. - Octavia.
"Not at all! I can take a break! - Hoco."
I don't know how long the call was until Octavia finished her vent and hung up on me before Blitz called me.
"Hoco! We won!!" Blitz shouted.
"Alright I knew IMP was the best!" I said before jumping in the portal. As we landed Loona and I pulled the car out before Blitz let us go home, I left to the Wrath Ring as per usual.

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