Murder Family

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I was beside the case of eels Blitz had bought, I was feeding them as Loona was holding a picture of a family and Moxxie was holding a gun with his hands shaking.
"Moxxie stop shaking! You're going to shoot one of our only hellhounds." Millie said.
"Wow. I feel so loved here." Loona said. I placed the eel food down and walked over.
"Everything okay Moxxie?" I asked.
"Yes it's just.. I can't think straight. It's an entire human family. Why would we need to kill an entire human family?" Moxxie asked.
"Could be a family of murders, could be psychos kidnapping children and torturing them, could have someone you care about as a hostage. There's a lot of reasons Moxxie." I said. Millie looked at me before shoving me away.
"If we're paid to kill an entire family then we should Mox. Just ignore the hellhounds and shoot the target." Millie said before kissing him.
Does she not see me as anything other then just a worker? Are all imps like this other then Blitz and my dad?
I was about grab my phone to text my dad when Blitz suddenly had burst through the door.
"Guys I want you to meet-!" Then Moxxie fired the arrow. It bounced everywhere and nearly hit the sinner in the room, but luckily Blitz caught it. "Our newest client." Suddenly the eels fell down and the room quickly set on fire.
"Oh shit!" I said before grabbing my gloves from the desk and quickly picking up the eels one by one and putting them back in the fishtank. I picked up the tank and walked away to fill it with water. As I filled it with water I heard Blitz scolding Moxxie about the eels. I saw everyone run out, Loona holding the book and I carried to eels in their tank outside. Blitz was saying goodbye to the client as I gently placed down the eels.
"Are they all okay?" Blitz asked.
"I managed to save them just in time before they suffocated." I told him.
"Sir when did we implant the 24 hour rule?" Moxxie asked him. Blitz grabbed him.
"When you set a fire in my office in front of a client you fucking dipshit! Now someone please tell me that fancy book is still in tact!" Blitz shouted as I carefully put back on my gloves and gave each of the eels a gentle rub on the head. Suddenly Loona took the eels from me and I noticed the portal was open. I walked through first and quickly hid in some of the bushes before using my human disguise. I looked around and noticed no one around so I decided to go back to my normal form. I saw the others run up and quickly hide under a window. I followed them. Blitz peeked up and looked through the window.
"That's gotta be her!" He said then chuckled. "This is too easy, Moxxie you want this one?" He asked.
"No fair.." I whimpered.
"Oh quiet down you can have the next one." He told me.
"Me?" Moxxie asked.
"Yeah this one's simple enough for you to handle. Just a happy mother who just got out of the hospital." Blitz explained. Moxxie quickly went from excited to looking severely uncomfortable. "Snooze ya loose Mox!" Blitz said before tossing me the gun. I quickly aimed it.
"Got you bitch." I whispered as I placed my finger on the trigger.
"Wait.. Are we actually killing a family!?" Moxxie said. I gave him a confused look.
"No dont be a puss. We're just killing a mother, we're ruining a family." Blitz nodded at me and I quickly aimed the gun again. I placed my finger on the trigger again. "Shoot." Blitz whispered.
"But- Hold on hold on let's just think about this-" Moxxie said but as soon as I fired he pushing the gun.
"Shit!" I exclaimed. Blitz quickly grabbed Moxxie and I and forced us back crouching. "I-I'm sorry-" I began but clearly Blitz knew who's fault it actually was.
"What the fuck was that Moxxie!?" Blitz scolded him. Moxxie gave a weird cough.
"I'm sorry, they just seemed so wholesome and happy.." He began breathing heavy. "I panicked." I slowly began to peek over the window as Blitz continued to scold Moxxie.
"Uh Blitz.." I started.
"Fucking what now?!" He shouted.
"They got fucking guns!" I quickly grabbed Blitz and pulled him, as soon as I did the bullet shot out, one hitting my foot and another in his shoulder. If I hadn't pulled him out of the way it probably would've been his head.
"Gah! A new hole! Scatter!!" He yelled and that's what we did as fast as we could. I ran to the forest as quickly as I could with my foot still bleeding. I was limping but I still managed to get away. I saw a tree with a hole in it and quickly dug into it. Forcing myself in and waiting for Blitz to tell me it was safe. I quickly grabbed my phone and called my dad.
"Sweetheart? I'm a bit busy with work right now. Is it an emergency?" He asked.
"Dad.. Dad.. One of the imps fucked up the mission and we're going to be lucky if we don't get killed.. I'm sorry dad I'm so scared.." I tried not to cry.
"Woah woah calm down. Where are you? I'll come and save you." He said.
"I'm in the human world dad.. I don't think they'll let you come here.."
"Easy there. I'll figure a way out. For now. Stay clam and out of sight. I'll be there as soon as I can, I love you sweetie, stay safe." He said before handing up.
Dad.. Please.. I'm so sorry..
I slowly closed my eyes. I don't know how long it had been. Maybe five minutes. Maybe an hour. But I finally heard his voice.
"Hoco!? Are you out here?" Blitz called. I slowly came out. "Were you there the whole time? Sneaky. How's your foot?"
"It'll heal." I said, looking down at it.
"Well we can't cover that bill." Blitz joked. I chuckled.
"You came back for me?" I asked.
"Of course I did. You're part of the IMP family. Millie is calling Loona for me to get a portal open and Moxxie is taking care of some business. Now let's go." He said, I followed him where I saw the portal opened. We went through the portal just as Moxxie came back. He stayed behind for a minute before Blitz grabbed him. After a bit the client came back and we told her the great news. Loona carried some cake out and I took a piece.
"I should get home or to the hospital if I want to.." I looked down at my still bleeding foot. "Want to keep my foot."
"Alright well you can get Moxxie's paycheck for him fucking up so badly. It'll be in your mail soon." Blitz said, I smiled and waved goodbye. Taking my piece of cake. I noticed the book on the desk and decided to look through it. I looked at all the spells.
"Take me to Wrath." I said, a portal opened and I placed the book down. I walked through and saw my dad pacing around. "Dad!" I called just as the portal closed.
"Hoco!" He shouted before running up to me and hugging me. I hugged him back. "What happened to you!? Are you hurt!?" He checked me up and down then noticed my foot. "You are hurt!" He said.
"It's just a bullet wound dad." I sat down and let him take the bullet out before bandaging my foot. "I'm sorry dad.. I shouldn't have scared you like that."
"Sweetheart you don't need to apologize about getting injured. It comes with the stomping grounds of being an assassin. Just.. Be more careful." He said before helping me over to my bed.
"I will dad. Thanks. I love you." I told him, he gently kissed my forehead.
"I love you too sweetheart. Now get some rest." He told me.

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