Apology Tour

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I was leaning against the wall, sipping some punch that Vortex gave to me. I don't know where he went as he walked away then disappeared. I was looking down at my cup when I heard footsteps.
"Haven't seen you much." I looked up and saw Verosika, she had a smug look on her face but then it quickly faded. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"I just went through a lot a couple weeks ago.." I said, looking back down at my cup.
"Was it Blitzo? Did you get with him?" She asked, it made me chuckle a bit, I shook my head.
"No.. No I didn't, I'm a lesbian, I'm just not interested in guys." I said, Verosika laughed.
"Lucky bitch! So why are you here? This party is mainly for Blitzo's exes." She asked. I shook my head.
"I went through a really rough break up.. Vortex thought this party would do me some good." I said. Verosika shook her head.
"Breakups are rough.. Here. Have some actual shit." She said, taking my punch and putting some alcohol in a red cup in my hands.
"But I'm not old enough." I told her.
"So? I don't mind. It's just one drink. Not like that'll kill you. Besides, any friend of Vortex, can be a friend of mine, no matter how shitty their boss is." She shrugged, I saw her eyes drift. "Oh, so he did come. Excuse me." She began dancing away, I just looked down at the drink. I drank it before throwing the empty cup away and going outside. I sat down in the grass, a bit away from the house, I was looking at the moon, I looked around. I noticed some peonies, I grabbed one, my ears lowered, tears in my eyes.
These are similar to the peonies I got Octavia.. I wonder if she got rid of them..
I heard footsteps behind me, followed by a small woosh sound.
"Hellhound. We need to talk." I looked back at him, I could tell he was angry, I just didn't have the energy to care, I looked back at the peony, I gripped the stem of the peony harder. He walked over and grabbed my shoulder. His grip was tight, it did hurt, but I still didn't care, I just felt myself closer to tears. "What are you doing?" He asked, his voice filled with anger. I opened my mouth to speak, feeling myself close to breaking.
"I just wanted to try to make her happy.. But I'm so tired. Tired of trying to change something that.. Isn't going to change." I said, my voice cracking and breaking.
"I don't understand." Stolas said, sounding confused, I saw him look at the peony in my hand, he gave a face like he recognized the peony. "You got Octavia those peonies."
"They match her beautiful eyes.. But I can't see her.. Not now.." Tears went down my face as I spoke. I stopped gripping the peony, I could feel my warm blood trickling down my arm.
"You're bleeding." Stolas said.
"I know." I said, the wind blew and the peony flew away, I tried to grab it but I was too slow.
"I can tell you that I know how you feel." Stolas said, sitting down beside me. I looked at him.
"How can you possibly know how I feel?" I asked, he grabbed my wrist, I saw him start healing my hand.
"Because I went through the same thing you did. You want what's best for both sides. But sometimes it's too much. So you need to let go so things will get better." He said.
Maybe he does know..
"How do you know what that feels like?" I asked.
"Because I went through the same thing with Blitz. It's so hard.. But it's for the best. Octavia told me how she had hurt you. And how you ran away. I can tell, you need to heal, you need to get better yourself before you can continue with others." Stolas explained, I nodded a bit, pulling my hand away as he finished healing my hand.
"Well, Octavia is lucky. Despite you and your wife getting divorced, she still knows that at least one of her parents care about her. Both of mine abandoned me. Because I was a girl. I can imagine how they'd react if they ever found out I'm a lesbian. My dad is all I have, but saying he isn't my real dad was too far for me. My parents weren't even real parents. He's all I had. And if she's going to dismiss it like.. It's nothing.. And just treat me like a pup she can force to always stick around.. Then I think it's time I focus on myself for a bit." I said, picking up a rock and tossing it.
"I can understand you, Hellhound. I treated Blitz like my play-thing. But I didn't want that. I wanted.. Honestly and truth. He made me so happy. Like how you make Octavia happy. But perhaps it is time we focus on ourselves for a bit. Now how about we get back to the party?" He asked, he got up and held his hand out.
"You aren't killing me?" I asked, grabbing his hand and getting up.
"Of course not. We both have one thing in common. We want best for the one we actually care about. And ourselves. Come along. I promise I won't kill you. But I think it's time we truly get to know each other." Stolas said, I nodded and we went back to the party.
"Now! It's time to hear from the special, new guest of honor of the night- Stolas! Get up here, and say a few words!" Verosika shouted into her microphone.
"Oh, no. No, no, no. No. I'm not really, um, hehe." A couple of demons pushed Stolas into the stage. "Uh, I really shouldn't, I-" Stolas tried to finish, but Verosika cut him off.
"Tell us all about your experience with Blitzo. That cock sucking motherfucker! C'mon baby, speak from your heart. We all here know how you feel." Verosika shouted. I went back inside, I poured myself more punch. I was staring at my cup as some demons were trying to dance with me, my thoughts were going a bit crazy, I tried dancing with some of the demons. After the party, I was outside, waiting for Vortex so we could go back home, but I couldn't stop thinking..
Maybe Stolas is right.. Octavia and I both just need some time to ourselves. I was going to visit her.. But.. She needs to realize she's not the only one hurting all the time.. I matter too! Don't.. I..?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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