The date

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I was nervous as I rode Merciless up to the palace. I slowly got off of her.
"Stay here please girl." I asked her, she huffed in response. I gulped as I slowly walked to the door and knocked on it. Stolas opened the door and glared at me.
"You're the reason Via came here?" He asked. He looked so tired and angry.
"Y-Yes sir. I'm here for Octavia." I said. He grabbed me and held me to his face.
"If you hurt her. I will destroy you. It was already a lot when your father attacked me. And if your anything like him and you do something to my Via. No one will be able to save you." He said, I gulped.
"Dad." Octavia said from behind him. "Leave her alone. She's the only good thing that has happened to me since you and mum started hating each other." Octavia said.
"I-I'm sorry Via.. I just worry for you is all." Stolas said, dropping me. I smiled at Octavia as she walked out in a stunning dress. I stared at her.
"W-Wow.. Octavia you're so beautiful. I almost feel embarrassed just wearing this plain dress." I said as I took her hand and lead her to Merciless. I helped her on top of my horse before getting on myself. "Is there anywhere specific you wanna go?" I asked her.
"Oh, my mum told me about a place called Ozzie's, she said I could go when I was ready, just as long as I had someone watching me." She said. I have a weird look.
"You know that place isn't exactly.. Perfect for a date right?" I asked her.
"I really want to see it! Please?" She asked. I sighed.
"Okay okay." I gently stroked Merciless's mane. "To the Lust Ring girl. If you know where Ozzie's is, you can go there too." I told her.
"You think your horse understands- AHH!" Octavia nearly fell off as Merciless ran, I quickly grabbed her and held her close to me. I blushed as she held onto me tightly. I chuckled at her.
"Sometimes animals are more understanding then what people know." I told her. Merciless kept running. Taking the old railroads down to the Lust Ring. She kept running. "I guess she knows her way to Ozzie's." I said. I felt Octavia leaning over my shoulder then a gentle kiss on my cheek. I blushed incredibly hard.
"Thank you for taking me out, and letting me choose the place." She said just as we stopped in front of Ozzie's. I slowly lead Merciless away and tied her to a pole, I knew she wasn't going to run away but I didn't want others trying to steal her. I helped Octavia off of her and slowly walked with her to Ozzie's.
"Reservations?" A succubus asked us.
"Excuse me." Octavia said. "I don't think my dad would be happy hearing someone is giving us trouble." She said. The succubus stopped, stared at me then at Octavia.
"Apologies your highness. Go right in." He bowed before moving out of the way. I walked in with Octavia and we sat at a table. Soon an imp came toward us.
"Can I get you two off- I mean, start you two off with some drinks?" She asked. Octavia suddenly looked uncomfortable.
"Just a couple of sodas please." I said and saw her walk away.
"That was weird." Octavia said.
"I told you this place isn't exactly ideal for a date." I told her.
"Still, thank you for taking me here." She said. Gently grabbing my hand. I smiled and grabbed hers.
"Ladies and gentlemen! I see some sexy faces around here tonight! Welcome, welcome, to Ozzie's: Lust ring's number 1 place for all kinds of sick twisted fantasies. Put on display for all you 'Sleaze' and 'Sleazettes'. The gin joint of Asmodeus himself! C'mon, give him some love!" A voice said. Octavia and I looked at the stage, then I stopped smiling.
I growled quietly.
"Hoco? Is everything okay?" Octavia asked as I covered the side of my face with a menu so I didn't have to see him.
"Yes. I just recognized him and I.. I don't have a good past with him." I said.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." Octavia said, I put down the menu and grabbed her hand.
"Don't worry about it!" I told her. "Nothing is going to bother me tonight. As long as I'm with you." I told her.
"Oh how adorable is this!" A voice behind me said. Octavia went quiet, looking up at something. I turned and looked, I looked up and saw Asmodeus behind me. "But there's not enough lust here!" He said.
"We're just here on a date to get to know each other-" Octavia started.
"You? With a hellhound?" Asmodeus laughed. I sunk down in my seat. "I don't sense any lust here at all. Daughter of Stolas. Why don't you have a little fun with your hellhound? Make a move?" He suggested.
"I'm not-" I started.
"She's not my hellhound, she's my date." Octavia said, she looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.
"Oh, you're with someone that's even lower ranking then an imp." He said, basically insulting her. I growled and got up, turning towards his. "A feisty hellhound." He commented. My ears twitched as I heard the whispered from all around us.
"What does her dad think?"
"Does he allow this?"
"A princess of the Ars Goetia with a hellhound?"
"Why with a hellhound?"
"Imps are higher ranking."
"Should someone stop them?"
"Do you think they're fucking?"
I sighed. I looked down. I felt a gentle arm wrap around my arm. I looked and saw it was Octavia, by my side.
"We can go to Stylish Occult. It'll be better then this place." She told me. I smiled at her before taking her hand and leading her outside, back to Merciless.
"Okay. Merciless, to Stylish Occult please."

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