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 Lucy Thompson's life took a drastic turn when her friend Bonnie, also known as Princess Bubblegum, discovered her in a hidden cave. From that moment on, Lucy's life ceased to be ordinary. Prior to this encounter, she was just an average human leading a mundane existence. Working as a struggling artist in a cafe, she barely made ends meet. However, everything changed with the occurrence of the Great Mushroom War.

In the wake of the war, chaos and destruction reigned. Faced with the threat of bombs, people sought refuge on boats in an attempt to escape. Some fortunate individuals managed to find safety on a group of islands, where they began rebuilding their lives. Sadly, others were not as fortunate and were horrifically mutated into zombified creatures, their bodies oozing with grotesque matter.

Lucy, however, found solace in the cave where she had taken refuge. Little did she know that the cave was already occupied by a demon named Hudson Abadeer. In exchange for her survival, the demon demanded her mortal soul. Desperate to cling to life, Lucy accepted the demonic offer, unknowingly sealing her fate. As a result of the pact, small black horns began to grow atop her head, a permanent reminder of the curse she had embraced.

For thousands of years, Lucy remained hidden within the depths of the cave. The darkness became her sanctuary, shielding her from the terrifying presence of the ooze-infested monsters that roamed the outside world. The cave became her sanctuary, her only companion being the eternal darkness that paradoxically kept her sane. But one day, a glimmer of light pierced through the darkness, caressing Lucy's darkened skin. It was the warm touch of the sun, a sensation she had dearly missed. Bonnie introduced Lucy to Finn the Human (now just called Finn due to the return of the rest of the humans) and Bonnie's girlfriend Marceline the Vampire Queen.

As the days went by, life started to regain a sense of normalcy for Lucy Thompson. She grew accustomed to the peculiar world she now inhabited. It was certainly weirder, but she felt confident in her ability to navigate it.

And now, we find Lucy Thompson in the Candy Tavern, accompanied by Finn. The bar was run by a character named Dirt Beer Guy, a sentient mug of dirt who had once been root beer. Lucy opted for a soda, not in the mood for an alcoholic drink. Finn noticed her slight frown and expressed concern with a smile.

"Hey Luc, what's the matter? Has your soda gone flat?" he asked.

"No, it's fine. Everything is perfectly fine," Lucy replied, pulling the hood of her purple sweatshirt over her black horns.

Finn's expression turned melancholic as he observed his friend's sadness. Then, he noticed someone else at the bar who appeared equally downcast.

"I'll be right back. Gotta go talk to someone," Finn said, his voice filled with excitement.

Sinking deeper into her seat, Lucy couldn't help but feel out of place. She was the only person from the 20th century in Ooo, surrounded by other humans and beings from different eras.

Lost in her thoughts, Lucy didn't notice Finn and another person making their way towards her.

"Hey Lucy! I got someone I want you to meet!" Finn's voice boomed through the bar, breaking Lucy's reverie.

Lucy turned her head to face Finn and found herself locking eyes with another human.

"Finn, this is Simon! Simon, meet Lucy. I'm surprised you two haven't crossed paths before," Finn introduced them, excitement evident in his voice.

Lucy and Simon found themselves in a silent standoff, neither wanting to break eye contact for some unknown reason.

"Nice to meet you," they both said simultaneously, breaking the tension with a shared moment of awkwardness.

Simon, attempting to ease the tension, nervously commented, "You look different from the other humans around here. No strange outfits, I mean."

Lucy responded with a small, sad smile. "It's hard to find suitable clothing when none of the styles make any sense."

Simon awkwardly chuckled, understanding her struggle. "I know exactly what you mean. Shopping for outfits can be quite a challenge."

Interrupting their exchange, Finn interjected with enthusiasm, "I know just what you two need! A quest!"

Both Lucy and Simon simultaneously voiced their dissent, "No offense, Finn, but we're not really in the mood for a quest right now."

Ignoring their protests, Finn grabbed them both and rushed off to find an adventure, determined to bring some excitement into their lives.

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