-|DESTINY ii|-

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They eventually caught up with Fionna and Cake, and the group continued walking down a dirt path. However, their journey took an unpleasant turn when flies started swarming around Fionna's blood-stained shirt. Fionna began swatting at the flies and noticed the unpleasant smell emanating from her shirt.

Expressing her disgust, Fionna decided to remove her backpack and handed it to Cake, asking her to hold it for her. She then took off her blue shirt and dropped it on the ground, revealing a black sports bra as her top.

Cake, always ready with a joke, teasingly remarked, "Any excuse to be more naked."

Fionna responded with a hint of annoyance, telling Cake not to make it weird. She quickly grabbed her backpack and put it back on.

As they continued on their path, Simon pointed out a sign indicating a meeting place, confirming they were heading in the right direction. A few miles beyond the sign, they noticed a small city with smoke rising from it.

Lucy, expressing her concern, remarked, "This seems like something I should be worried about."

However, Fionna's excitement overshadowed any worries as she ran ahead of the group, collecting various objects from the sides of the dirt path. She referred to them as "road loot" and kept putting them on. Among her findings were goggles, boots, a shoulder pad with spikes, and even a knife she discovered in a car's skeleton. Fionna continued digging in the car and found a purse, exclaiming with joy, "Whoa! A real Vespucci! I could never afford one of these back home." She showed it to Cake, who expressed her desire to have it despite its appearance.

Simon and Lucy walked towards the two with worry.

"You both look kind of conspicuous. We should keep a low profile until we know what's what." Simon said.

Lucy looking around saw a bandana around a skeleton's face.

"I agree with Simon. Who knows where we are? We could literally be anywhere in the freaking multiverse!" She stressed, putting the bandana on to cover her horns.

"Relax, guys. I've played a lot of post-apocalyptic RPGs. The more loot, the better." Fionna calmly said.

Simon gave an annoyed look.

"Let's keep moving."

"Lighten up, man." Fionna sighed.

Lucy walked over to Fionna and touched her shoulder.

"Fionna, sweetie. Simon and I had to live in a post-apocalyptic world. Granted I was hiding out in a cave, but Simon was actually fighting to survive."

Fionna looked at Lucy sadly.

"Let's keep moving forward. The sooner we get info, the better."


As the group walked through the town, they all noticed the odd outfits people were wearing and the strange behaviors. They stopped at the center of town where most of the people were gathered.

"I feel right at home!" She exclaimed before looking at Simon. "You're the one who's conspicuous here."

"Yeah, man, you stick out like a sore thumb!" Cake said, stretching her paw into a huge thumbs up and catching the attention of some people.

"The cat talked! It must be magic!" a guy with an egg-shaped head freaked out.

"Ha, everybody knows there's been no magic since the days of the Snowman," His friend comforted.

In response, Cake hissed and stretched her tongue.

"Cake! Act like a normal cat!" Simon worried.

"Fine." Cake grumbled getting on all fours. She rubbed her body on his jeans, getting cat hair over them. "Meow meow. Is this what you want?"

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