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Feeling apprehensive, the group instinctively raised their hands as the camouflaged figure pointed a stake gun in their direction. The situation had taken an unexpected turn, and they found themselves at the mercy of this mysterious individual.

"You left yourself vulnerable out there." The lady put the stake gun away as she took off the gas mask, revealing Bonnie with an eyepatch on. "Buncha death wishers."

"Princess Bubblegum?" Fionna asked as the group put their hands down.

"Thanks for saving–" Fionna tried to say.

"Strange cat mutant, Shadow Lady," Princess Bubblegum addressed Lucy and Cake. "I saw how you chomped those vamp heads and that mist attack was optimal. Very impressive."

"Oh, that?" Cake gestured behind her. "Easy, greasy, baby."

Lucy frowned.

"I didn't want to go into that form."

Princess Bubblegum looked at Lucy and studied her face.

"W-Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason," Princess Bubblegum stated before looking at Cake again.

"The name's Cake.

Cake outstretched her hand to shake.

"Bonnie," Bonnie shook Cake and Lucy's hand. "My team is on an urgent mission, and I could really use your murder skills."

"Sorry, lady, but we gots our own mission to think about." Cake said.

"We're looking for a magic crown. Maybe you've seen it?" Fionna asked Bonnie as she walked over to them.

Bonnie thought for a second before standing up.

"Seems our interests coincide after all. The Vampire King has the crown."

Thunder crashed nearby as Bonnie started to walk off. Lucy got into place next to Simon.

"Vampire King?" Fionna asked.

"He uses it to summon clouds and keep the sky perpetually dark."

"And vampire-friendly." Lucy muttered looking at the ground.

Bonnie turned to the group.

"I'm gonna slay him or die trying."

Cake got excited.

"Now, that is a party I don't wanna miss."

Fionna crossed her arms worriedly.

"And when you're done with that, we can get the crown?"

Bonnie grabbed her stake gun.

"Sure. Let's get off the street, blood bags."

Bonnie led them inside her tank, the doors closing as soon as they entered. Lucy's horns grew slightly once she felt the tank move. Simon put a hand of comfort on her shoulder to ground her.

"Tank, autopilot." Bonnie ordered the tank. Bonnie then got up and gestured to where she was sitting. "Navigation and artillery are up here, sleeping tubes, armory, and the rest is a combination war room, rec room, and mess hall."

Lucy tilted her head at Bonnie's words. This Bonnie felt so familiar yet different.

Bonnie walked over to a screen on the side of the tank.

"Tank, gimme the usual."

Some coffee poured into a cup nearby and Bonnie drank it as the group sat down at the nearby table.

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