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The moment was short-lived as Lucy and Simon both felt something drip onto their arms. Looking up, they came to see a bear made of grass wearing a mask of bone. Its claws looked razor-sharp. The bear gave out a mighty roar, cueing Lucy and Simon to back away from the creature in fright. They didn't make it far, though, as they had backed themselves against a tree with no possible escape routes.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Simon sputtered, "Think fast. Bear. Make yourself bigger." He then attempted to make himself appear bigger by clanking some sticks together and roaring, "Raar!"

To their surprise, the bear growled softly, looking somewhat taken aback. Simon, looking over at a wide-eyed Lucy, smiled and confidently said, "Hey, it worked."

However, Lucy, still trembling, looked back at the bear and stuttered, "N-No, it didn't!"

As they both focused their attention on the grass bear, they realized that it was growing larger than Simon and Lucy combined. The bear let out another growl, sending a shiver down their spines.

"Oh, no," Simon exclaimed, his confidence quickly fading. He backed away, screaming, while trying to defend himself with a stick.

Meanwhile, Lucy glanced over her shoulder and saw Finn coming to their rescue. However, much to her disappointment, Finn didn't immediately help upon arrival. Instead, he opted to cheer Simon on, saying, "Go, Simon! Hit it in the face!"

Taking his friend's advice, Simon mustered up his courage and attempted to hit the giant grass bear in the face, swinging his stick with all his might. Unfortunately, the bear's sharp teeth caught the stick, snarling in response. With a powerful motion, the bear flung Simon into the tree, leaving him sprawled next to Lucy, both of them now in a precarious position.

Simon groaned in pain as he backed against the tree, fear evident in his eyes. The grass bear raised its clawed paw, preparing to deliver a final blow. However, just in the nick of time, Finn swung onto the bear's paw, diverting its attention.

"EVIL BEAR!" Finn shouted defiantly. "Suck these nuts!" With a swift motion, he threw a punch at the bear's face, displaying his bravery.

Lucy's voice broke through the chaos, capturing Simon's attention. He noticed that her small black horns had grown longer and slightly sharper, indicating a transformation or hidden power. Lucy, her horns growing sharper and longer each second called out once again, "Finn! Be careful!"

Undeterred, Finn continued to engage in the fight with the bear, skillfully dodging its attacks. With a well-timed strike, he managed to knock the bear down, creating a momentary opening.

"Lucy! You got this!" Finn exclaimed, his voice filled with encouragement. He then threw a dagger to Simon, who caught it with a mix of surprise and determination. Finn turned to Simon, meeting his gaze, and said, "And Simon, you also got this! Stab it in the heart!"

"Uh... okay," Simon said, his voice filled with uncertainty and fear.

Finn, perched atop the bear's head, shouted to Simon, "This is your kill window!"

Simon's heart skipped a beat as the bear rose on its hind legs, growling menacingly. It towered over Simon and a flickering Lucy, its presence intimidating and overwhelming. Finn, still on the bear's head, called out once again, "Kill window!"

Feeling a mixture of panic and helplessness, Simon swung the dagger around in his hand, unsure of what to do. The bear noticed Simon's feeble attempt and responded by growing a third arm, swinging its claws at Simon and cutting his arm. Lucy, flickering between her normal self and a shadowy version, caught sight of the blood flowing from Simon's wound and emitted a low growl.

Startled by the sight of his own injury and the shadowy figure in the corner of his eye, Simon's panic intensified. The figure had long, sharp horns, a body as black as ink, hair flowing like shadowy smoke, and eyes as white as snow.

From his vantage point on the bear, Finn caught sight of Lucy's transformation and beamed with pride and excitement. However, his joy was short-lived as he quickly noticed Simon's pain. Without hesitation, Finn jumped off the bear and hurried to Simon's side. Simon, still in a state of panic, saw Finn next to him and his fear only grew.

"Finn! What are you doing? The bear is about to-" Simon's words were interrupted by Finn's reassuring voice.

"Simon, that bear isn't going to do a thing. Lucy has got this. Just watch."

Reluctantly, Simon shifted his gaze towards the shadowy figure, finally realizing that it was Lucy herself. He began to understand the nature of her curse and the extraordinary power she possessed. While fear still lingered, a glimmer of hope and trust emerged as he watched Lucy, prepared to witness the outcome of her formidable abilities.

Lucy's shadowy hand rose, commanding attention from the grass bear monster. The bear sneered at Lucy, seemingly unfazed by her presence. Meanwhile, Simon, being bandaged by Finn, watched from a distance, his curiosity and apprehension building.

To Simon's amazement and astonishment, shadows emerged from the ground, coiling around the bear's limbs and holding it down. It struggled against the dark tendrils, but it was no match for the power of Lucy's shadowy abilities. Simon's eyes widened as he witnessed Lucy's shadowy form melt into the ground, only to reappear on top of the grass bear. In this transformed state, Lucy became five times bigger than her normal size.

The bear turned to face Lucy, its eyes widening in fear at the sight of her enlarged and menacing form. Lucy opened her mouth, revealing sharp shadowy teeth, and emitted a bone-chilling shriek that echoed through the air. Simon and Finn instinctively covered their ears, trying to muffle the piercing sound, but even with their hands pressed against their ears, the shriek remained audible.

The grass bear, unable to withstand the intensity of Lucy's shriek, collapsed to the ground, its ears bleeding from the overwhelming sound. Simon and Finn stood in awe as they witnessed the power of Lucy's shadow form. The adrenaline rush and the weight of the intense moment filled the air.

After the bear's defeat, Lucy's shadowy form gradually dissipated, her breathing heavy from the exertion. She slowly rose from the ground, lying down. Simon and Finn watched in awe as her shadowy form was swiftly replaced by her usual appearance - dark skin, orange hair, and smaller horns. The transformation was mesmerizing, leaving them both in a state of wonder and admiration for Lucy's incredible abilities.

Lucy sat up, still coughing harshly from the intensity of the battle. Simon immediately rushed to her side, placing a comforting hand on her back and patting it gently.

"That was incredible! You saved our asses!" Simon exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and admiration for Lucy's bravery.

To Simon's surprise, instead of basking in the praise, Lucy started to cry. Confusion etched across his face, he tried to understand her emotional response. "Lucy?" he called out, his voice tinged with concern and uncertainty.

Through her tears, Lucy managed to speak, her voice shaky and filled with self-doubt. "It was awful. Are you kidding me, Simon? I turned into a monster. I'm a freak of nature. God, why did I make a deal with that demonic jerk?"

Moved by her vulnerability and self-deprecating words, Simon gently turned her face to meet his. Her eyes were watery and red from crying, reflecting her inner turmoil.

"What you did was heroic, Lucy," Simon said firmly, his voice conveying earnestness and sincerity. "No monster would save anybody, and no one as kind and compassionate as you could ever be called a 'freak of nature'."

As Simon wiped away her tears with gentle strokes, Lucy gave a sniffle and looked away, her expression softening. She felt a glimmer of gratitude and relief in Simon's words, finding solace in his reassurance.

"Thank you, Simon," Lucy whispered, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I needed to hear that. Your support means the world to me."

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