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"Aw," Lucy sighed before yawning. The others joined in after her.

"Man, I really need some sleep. We should all probably take a nap. We have been up for days just being chased by the Scarab. Now is probably our only opportunity to rest before we have to dip again."

Lucy curled up into a small ball and fell asleep. Fionna and Cake followed suit pretty quickly, leaving Simon to be awake. That is until the familiar face of baby-world Lucy crawled up beside him and gave a small yawn.

Simon smiled down at baby-world Lucy and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Lucy felt her eyes flutter open as she took in the blurry soft-colored world that she had fallen asleep in. Sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Lucy once again took in the calmness of Baby-world.

Lucy knew the others might not care that much for baby-world. To them, it was just a nice break from the craziness of the other worlds. A chance to breathe without worrying about the Scarab. But to Lucy...

It was different.


Filled with anticipation, Lucy joyfully packed her suitcase with an assortment of clothes and essentials. As she carefully folded each item, her excitement soared. This was the moment she had been waiting for - the start of her college journey, a taste of newfound freedom. With a confident smile, she retrieved a small notepad from her pocket, ready to tackle the final tasks before embarking on this new chapter.

"Finally! This is it!" Lucy exclaimed aloud, relishing the realization that her dreams were about to become a reality. She eagerly scanned her to-do list, crossing off completed items as she spoke, a tangible manifestation of her preparedness.

One item on the list involved Gale, her devoted boyfriend since high school. Together, they had made the decision to attend the same college and take the bold step of moving in together. Though the idea had originated from Lucy, Gale seemed content with the plan, showing no signs of discontent.

Suddenly, the sound of a car horn pierced through Lucy's thoughts, interrupting her nostalgic reflections.

"Gale!" Lucy exclaimed with delight, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Seizing her suitcase, she hurriedly made her way out of the familiar surroundings of her childhood home, ready to embark on this new adventure with her beloved Gale by her side.

Gale sat in the driver's seat of a vibrant red convertible, idly honking the car's horn out of boredom. Clad in a comfortable yet casual ensemble, he sported a dark blue sweatshirt, paired with black basketball shorts. Completing his laid-back look, he wore a backward hat and donned the quintessential combination of socks and sandals. His expressive brown eyes harmonized with his shaggy hair, while a hint of stubble adorned his face, adding to his rugged charm.

"Babe, hurry up!" Gale's voice carried over the persistent honking, laced with annoyance.

Lucy offered her boyfriend a warm smile, even as she struggled to bear the weight of her heavy suitcase.

"Can you come help me, babe?" Lucy shouted, her plea filled with a mix of desperation and hope.

"Can't," Gale responded curtly. "Someone has to keep the car running. You're a big girl now, you can do it by yourself."

Lucy's expression faltered, a frown replacing her earlier smile, as she continued to wrestle with her suitcase. Determined, she persisted until she finally managed to reach Gale's car and heave her suitcase into the trunk.

"Took you long enough," Gale grumbled, his annoyance palpable.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Lucy settled into the passenger seat, offering an awkward laugh as she tried to diffuse the tension.

"Sorry, I didn't realize how much I had packed," she apologized, her voice slightly breathless.

Gale remained silent, his focus solely on driving. Lucy's smile wavered for a moment, a faint trace of disappointment lingering. But her optimism quickly resurfaced, and her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Can you believe it, babe? Going to college is just the first step! We still have a whole life ahead of us!" Lucy's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as she shared her dreams of a future filled with endless possibilities, eager to embark on this journey together with the love of her life.

The car came to a halt at a quiet local park, leaving Lucy feeling disoriented and perplexed.

"Babe, why are we here? We need to get to campus for orientation," Lucy questioned, her voice laced with confusion and urgency.

Without a word, Gale exited the car and made his way to the trunk. Lucy's eyes followed his every move, a sense of unease settling in her heart. As he approached her car door, he held her suitcase in his hands, his expression distant and detached.

"Lucy, I'm not going to college with you. We're over," Gale's words pierced through the silence, leaving Lucy frozen in disbelief. Her world shattered in an instant.

"I... I met someone else yesterday, and, to be frank, she's better," Gale continued, his voice devoid of compassion or remorse.

Lucy stood speechless, her mind struggling to process the devastating blow. Numbly, she reached for her suitcase, her trembling hands gripping it tightly. The tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision as a tidal wave of heartbreak crashed over her.

Unable to bear the weight of her shattered dreams, Lucy sank to the ground, her sobs echoing through the desolate park. She watched in despair as the car, a symbol of the love she had lost, faded into the distance, taking with it the person she had believed would be by her side forever, now forever vanished from her life.


Lucy tightly grasped the cosmic remote, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes, as she roused everyone from their slumber.

"Time to go," Lucy declared, her voice resolute, her gaze lingering on the world they were leaving behind.

"Alright," Fionna responded with a hint of weariness in her voice, still shaking off the remnants of sleep.

Simon and Cake let out a simultaneous yawn, their tiredness evident, but they nodded in agreement nonetheless. The group gathered closely, forming a tight-knit circle, as Lucy's finger pressed down on a button on the remote, initiating their transition into a brand-new universe.

With a gentle hum, the cosmic remote activated, and a surge of energy enveloped them, transporting them to uncharted realms filled with infinite possibilities. The air crackled with anticipation as they embarked on their journey, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown.

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