-|DESTINY iii|-

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"We gotta get out of here!" Simon worried, grabbing Cake in one arm and Lucy's hand in the other. Fionna ran after them as they fled down an alley.

Little did they know somebody had watched the whole interaction go down.

As the group hurriedly made their way down the narrow alley, their pace slowed as they reached a dead end, their escape route abruptly cut off. Panic washed over Lucy, her emotions overwhelming her.

"I screwed it up! I got too reckless!" Lucy's voice trembled as tears welled up in her eyes, regret gnawing at her.

Cake, always the voice of reassurance, quickly stepped in to comfort her friend. "Ah, nobody saw it. It was fine!" she said, attempting to alleviate Lucy's distress.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the air from the entrance of the alleyway, capturing the group's attention. They turned to see a young boy wearing a bike helmet adorned with a spike, confidently striding toward them. Following closely behind was a muscular man sporting a white tank top, shorts, and sunglasses.

"Ohh, you're gonna be my new mom! And when Daddy sees I got him a new wife, he'll make me gang leader!" the little boy exclaimed, turning towards the buff man.

The man, known as Trauma Jon, began to advance towards Lucy. Reacting swiftly, Fionna positioned herself in front of Lucy, determined to protect her friend. With a surge of bravery, she confronted Trauma Jon.

"Nobody should ever say that!" Fionna shouted, her voice filled with defiance. In an attempt to defend herself and Lucy, she mustered all her strength and slapped Trauma Jon's belly, hoping to inflict some pain. However, her efforts proved futile as Trauma Jon merely chuckled in response.

Fionna's panic escalated as she realized her actions had little effect. Before she could react further, Trauma Jon retaliated, delivering a swift slap that sent Fionna sprawling away, her body crashing against the alley floor.

"Stupid bunny," the kid said menacingly, brandishing a knife. "I'd cut your nose off, but it looks like somebody beat me to it."

Fionna touched her face, bewildered by the situation unfolding before her.

"Or maybe I'll take an ear instead," the kid threatened, his tone filled with malice.

Lucy observed from a distance as a brick suddenly fell from above, hitting Trauma Jon on the head and causing him to stumble.

"Huh?" the kid said, clearly puzzled by the unexpected turn of events.

From the rooftops, a courageous boy with blonde hair and a green cloak leaped down, swiftly disarming the other kid and taking hold of the knife.

"How about your nose, bully-boy?" the blonde kid confronted him, his voice laced with defiance.

"No!" the little kid yelped, fear evident in his eyes.

At that moment, a red-headed girl also descended from the rooftops, positioning herself between the two boys. She deftly snatched the knife from the blonde kid and forcefully pushed him to the ground.

"Back off," she warned, her gaze filled with determination.

Little Destiny," the blonde boy addressed her, his voice tinged with familiarity.

Little Destiny smirked at the blonde-haired kid, a silent exchange passing between them.

"You're a long way from home, Jay," she remarked, her voice laced with a mixture of amusement and warning.

The other kid managed to sit up, his anger still burning. "Destiny Gang gonna kick your-"

"Remember your place," Little Destiny interjected, swiftly pushing the kid back to the ground, asserting her dominance.

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