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Casper, Nova, and Astra held up their weapons as they were surrounded by moon demons. The moon demons giggled and held the crown in their hands. The moon demons tossed it around like it was a toy.

"Unholy things, give us that crown. B-bwow!" Casper commanded before shooting magic from his staff towards some of the moon demons.

The demons only surrounded the friends more. Astra reached up towards her halo and grabbed it. It transformed into a magical frisbee and gave the group more time to think of a plan.

"Shwa-zaah! Nova casted as she too tried to fend the demons off.

Casper walked over to Nova and placed a caring hand on her shoulder.

"Nova, that was amazing."

Nova gave Casper a smile but realized Astra had the smallest frowns. Astra noticed Nova's glance and quickly changed into a smile.

"Casper is right Nova! That was a stellar move."

"Aw, its just a spell. I think what Astra did was much cooler."

Astra gave a small smile at Nova, appreciative of the compliant.

Laughter interrupted the friends.

"Moon Demon King." Casper yelled.

They looked up to the Moon Demon King who held the ancient crown in his hands.

"Too late, Casper." The Moon Demon King laughed. "I'm going to an undisclosed third location."

The MDK then entered his tower, which launched a rocket off into space.

"Thwarted again." Casper grumbled.

Astra placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay Casp! I promise we'll get that crown."

"I could summon a sun-ship to give chase." Nova suggested.

"Hmm. I think we should check the launch pad for clues about where he's headed. We'll write it down in Astra's sketchbook." Casper countered.

Nova looked at the sketchbook in Astra's hands. Most of the drawings were of Casper with little hearts. However, most of the drawings were overshadowed by the various notes Casper had Astra take.

"Yeah..." Nova softly said. "That's sounds smart too."

Astra, Casper, and Nova looked up.

"What do you think we should do?" Astra asked.

This was what Simon and Beth had gotten to after many failed attempts.

"Fire once for Casper's idea. Fire twice for Nova's idea." Beth narrated.

"Ugh, every time we get close, the crown gets further away." Simon complained. "This book cheats."

Beth gave a chuckle.

"Simon, I know you're really into this story, but if you're not enjoying yourself, you can just stop. That's the great thing about books."

"No." Simon whined as Beth tried to take the book.

"Yoo-hoo!" A voice called out.

Simon looked over, the voice feeling super familiar.


Simon and Beth looked to see a cyborg swan.

"Gimme that thingus, dingus."

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