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Deep within the cosmic expanse of space and time, a yellow cube housed Prismo the Wishmaster. Resting inside the cube, Prismo took the form of a completely flat projection that could be seen on any surface. At this moment, he was lounging in a hot tub filled with water, beer cans, and trash. The beeping of his Wishmaster remote played in the background, while Wyatt, a whale-like creature, stood nearby, waiting for his turn.

Wyatt cleared his throat, feeling slightly nervous. "Aren't you gonna answer that?" he asked, chuckling uneasily.

Prismo looked at Wyatt with a sense of despondency. "Ah, Mr. P-Prismo?" Wyatt continued, trying to draw his attention to the persistent beeping.

"Just ignore it," Prismo sighed, his voice filled with dejection. "Make your wish."

But the beeping continued, causing Wyatt to struggle with his wish. Frustration etched across his face, he gestured to the yellow room. "Well, I'm trying to, but... it's kinda... distracting. You have no idea what it took, the terrible things I did just to get here," he lamented. "And now I can't even concentrate!"

Prismo glanced at Wyatt once again, urging him to proceed. "The wish – Spit it out," he said, his tone monotonous.

Wyatt held his head in his hands, attempting to focus on his wish amidst the incessant beeping. He groaned in annoyance. "Oh, I wish it was quiet enough to think!" he grumbled.

"Wish granted," Prismo declared in his usual monotone before using his wish-granting powers to teleport Wyatt to a wish reality where silence reigned, reminiscent of a silent cartoon. Prismo observed this reality unfold until it unexpectedly displayed the message, "!#d@!*!#% YOU, PRISMO!!"

The beeping from the remote persisted, much to Prismo's dismay. With a resigned sigh, he finally decided to take action. Prismo's projected body emerged from the hot tub and pressed the glowing pink button on the remote. The wall he had been watching previously displayed a pop-up message stating: "URGENT NOTICE - CROSSOVER."

"A crossover. Okay." Prismo clicked the remote and found the crossover in Ooo. This caused him to light up a bit. "Oh, hey! Ooo. Hmm..." He shifted through the channel, mumbling under his breath.

"That's not a crossover. Nope. Nope." That is until he landed on one with a red-headed little girl speaking.

"Oh, my gosh, you really are Fionna and Cake! The real ones!"

That caught Prismo's attention. Panic swept through his second-dimensional face.

"Oh, crud!" He hit his face in frustration and panicked until he pressed a button on the remote again, closing the doors to the floating yellow cube.

The little girl on the TV wall spoke again as she looked at a blonde woman and a yellow and white cat.

"Can we go on an adventure?"

The blonde woman laughed.

"Heh, well-" she was cut off as she and her cat were teleported into Prismo's wish room.

The little girl on the TV wall spoke sadly.

"Aw, my hat!"

The blonde-haired woman looked around confused and excited.

"Ayo! What's going on now, Cake?" She asked her cat.

Cake the cat looked at her with the same energy.

"I don't know, but this is cool." Cake's voice sounded distorted.

Prismo spoke up.

"Ugh! What's wrong with Cake's voice?"

Cake looked up at Prismo.

"Whoa! Big boy!"

Prismo griminced before using his powers.

"No, this is gonna drive me nuts." He took off the collar around Cake's mouth.

"Hey!" Cake's voice was clearer, shocking the cat. "Hey! Heeeeeeeeeeeey!" she said excitedly.

Prismo took a closer look at Cake's normal cat body.

"Hmm. She's off-model, too." He snapped his fingers, changing Cake's form into a more cartoony version of a cat. Even granting her to stand on only two legs.

Cake looked at her new form.

"Whoa! I'm standing on my back legs!" She then noticed her arms. "Oh! Arms!" Cake gasped looking at Fionna. "Legs are arms!"

Fionna smiled at Cake, "Amazing! It's like a video game and we're getting upgrades for beating those weirdos." She reached out to high-five Cake. Cake reached out as well and stretched her arm out like rubber.

"Ha! I can stretch!" she started playing around with her stretched arm, "He-eey. Ha ha!"

Prismo gave a tired smile at Cake. "Much better."

Fionna smiled excitedly. "Do me next!" Prismo snapped his fingers changing Fionna's original outfit of what looked to be a uniform into a blue, long-sleeved shirt, green two-toned backpack, a darker blue skirt, thigh-high socks, Mary Jane's, and a white bunny hat.

"Aw! I just wanted cool powers." Fionna stated sadly at just the outfit change.

Cake spoke to her, "Maybe you have some. Try flying."

Fionna flapped her arms and jumped in an attempt to fly to no avail. She started running around the room thinking she must need more speed.

"Haha! Faster! Faster!" Cake called out to her friend.

Prismo watched the two's shenanigans and thought out loud. "These two are a long way from home. But how?" He thought for a moment before his eyes widened. "Maybe the connection is open again." He summoned a laptop and began typing the name: Simon Petrikov. The laptop made some dial-up tones trying to connect. The TV wall flashed with static before showing Simon Petrikov in his shower, his hands pressed on the wall sadly. Fionna and Cake both gasped at this. A red laser came out of the laptop and onto the TV wall, aiming at Simon's head. The laptop got a popup stating that access was denied.

"Nope. Still locked out. Then how did they get here?" He wondered aloud.

Fionna spoke up to Prismo, "I stepped through a portal in that sad man's head."

Prismo looked at Fiona before typing on his laptop again. "Better take a closer look."

Prismo, through the laptop, teleported a butt-naked Simon into the room. Once Simon felt no more water on him he looked up and took notice of the familiar surroundings. He put down his arms sad and annoyed.

"Now what?"

Cake and Fionna covered their eyes, shielding them from Simon's uncovered body.

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