-|Winter Wonderland V|-

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Simon, Winter King, and Ice Lucy were all able to witness the wall behind them lift up revealing a giant stand mixer with spikes.

"So, this happens a lot?" Simon questioned looking over at Winter King.

"Not this part. This is an escalation." Winter King replied.

Caught off guard by the Candy Queen's actions, Simon and Winter King were appalled to see Lucy and Ice Lucy being bound by licorice rope. Their protective instincts kicked in, and they both erupted in protest, demanding answers from the Candy Queen.

Frantically, they shouted, "What are you doing with her?!" Their concern for Lucy and Ice Lucy was palpable.

The Candy Queen, amused by their protective outburst, chuckled slyly and met their gaze. With a devious glint in her eye, she explained, "We can't have anybody ruining our plans! And besides, somebody had to take care of the pests."

The mention of "pests" only fueled Lucy's fury. Despite being restrained by the licorice rope, she growled defiantly at the Candy Queen's words, her determination shining through. Struggling against her bindings, Lucy expressed her disdain, "Pests?! If I could, I would chew you up and spit you out like the gum wad you are!"

Candy Queen looked at her and shrugged.

"Not like you can do anything about it" Candy Queen then blew a raspberry at Lucy and Ice Lucy's faces before going to tie up Winter King and Simon.

Candy Queen was currently walking the four up the stairs of the mixer. Humming as she did.

"Ice Scouts! This would be a good time to show up at the last second!" Cred Winter King.

Simon began to think out loud, drawing the rest of the group's attention towards him.

"She deserves our help. I know there's a brilliant person in there..." Simon told them as he looked at Candy Queen.

"Simon, I love that you see the good in people but this isn't Bonnie. As much as I wish it was," Lucy started to tear up, fading into her shadow form from within her restraints. "I-It will never be."

"Your Lucy is correct Simon. We don't need to fix her. We just need to be rescued." Winter King said calmly before once again shouting for the Ice Scouts' help.

The group had made it to the top of the giant mixer. Lucy heard the whirring of its spiky beaters and felt her horns grow in fear.

The sound of doors crashing open broke Lucy from her moping. Candy Queen had Simon and Winter King dangling from the licorice rope above the deadly mixer.

"Fionna! Cake!" Lucy heard Simon yell out. "She's gonna make us into batter!"

Candy Queen waved at Fionna from atop the mixer with excitement.

"Hi! Bunny girl!"

As Lucy remained trapped in the confines of the licorice ropes, her gaze shifted towards Ice Lucy, noticing the icy figure sobbing within its restraints. A pang of sympathy washed over Lucy, prompting her to reach out and connect with her icy counterpart.

"Hey," Lucy spoke softly, capturing the attention of Ice Lucy's shadowy form. "I understand that you've lived in your winter wonderland for centuries, shielded from the uncertainties of the outside world. But sometimes, things happen that are beyond our control. And no matter how much we wish to deny or escape from the truth, we can't."

Lucy hesitated for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "Sometimes, we have to embrace both the good and the bad. Life isn't just about the moments of happiness; it's about facing challenges and growing stronger from them."

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