-|Winter Wonderland ii|-

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(Hey! TY all sm for the love and support! I just love reading your guys' comments! It brightens my day! Anyway, one commenter full on guessed  about Ice Lucy so I have two things for them! I drew Ice Lucy for them above and  this chapter is dedicated to them! @fanficreader1515 tysm for your enthusiasm! Hope everyone enjoys the chapter!)


"In our winter, wonder, world~!"

Winter King chopped off the top of an icicle growing from the ground with his boots. The top of it soared into the air as it almost hit Simon's head. But before it could, Ice Lucy caught it and gently placed it atop Simon's head.

Ice Lucy, Winter King, and the Ice Scouts all gave Simon and Lucy a bow.

Fionna and Cake couldn't contain their excitement as they applauded, utterly captivated by the enchanting performance of Winter King and Lucy. The chemistry between them was palpable, filling the air with an undeniable romantic allure. With joyful giggles, Winter King gracefully whisked Ice Lucy away, their laughter echoing like sweet melodies.

Meanwhile, Simon, still recovering from the icy surprise on his head, attempted to brush off the snow that had formed. To his surprise, Lucy, ever observant, gently placed her delicate hand on his shoulder, her touch sending a warm shiver down his spine. With a tender gesture, she reached up and playfully flicked the snow away. Simon's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and a newfound feeling he couldn't quite decipher.

Caught in the moment, Lucy turned her gaze towards Simon and bestowed upon him a radiant smile, reminiscent of the captivating expression Ice Lucy always wore. It was a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts and ignite a flicker of something more profound.

Realizing the significance of their counterparts' offer for assistance, Lucy's voice carried a hint of determination as she spoke, "We should follow them. After all, they did mention they could help." In a spontaneous act, Lucy reached out and clasped Simon's hand, intertwining their fingers. Simon felt his face get hotter as something fluttered in his chest.

Why is my face always getting hot around her? And why is Winter King, a Petrikov, with a variant of Lucy?

Ice Lucy and Winter King ascended the steps to their thrones.

"Once I have made you a duplicate magic crown, Fionna-world will be restored to its former state." Winter King said as he and Ice Lucy sat down.

"Uh-" Simon went to talk.

"Wait. If you tinker with the original curse, will I still be able to fight in the new version? I got stomped in the last world." Fionna inquired.

"Hmm," Winter King thought as he leaned onto his wife lovingly.

He then got up and pulled out his own sword. He then used his ice breath to blow it over to Fionna.

Fionna caught it, amazed.

"Wait. I can have this?" She asked.

Ice Lucy stood up abruptly from her seat, her hands raised high in the air. As she did, she conjured intricate icy shadows that swirled around her, ready to engage in battle. Normal Lucy observed her counterpart's movements with a mix of awe and curiosity. She couldn't help but wonder how Ice Lucy was able to control her powers with such calmness and precision, without letting fear or panic take over.

Meanwhile, Fionna, alerted by the glowing red light emanating from Winter King's sword, prepared herself for any potential new attackers. The warning was a signal for her to unleash her skills, and she wasted no time in swiftly defeating the icy shadow creatures that Ice Lucy had conjured.

Sensing Normal Lucy's growing intrigue, Ice Lucy effortlessly halted the attack of her icy shadows with a simple flick of her wrists. The control she exhibited over her powers was remarkable, leaving Normal Lucy even more perplexed and impressed.

Simon, who had been observing the unfolding events, noticed Lucy's familiar restlessness returning. Though he was not well-versed in understanding emotions or people, he had come to learn a few things about Lucy. Acting on instinct, he reached out and gently clasped her hands, hoping to provide her with some comfort and quell her fidgeting. Lucy was taken aback by the unexpected touch, her face flushing with warmth as she turned to face Simon. The touch seemed to have a profound effect on both of them, and for a moment, they couldn't tear their eyes away from each other.

Their silent connection, however, was interrupted by Ice Lucy, who gracefully skated towards the pair. The interruption brought them back to reality, breaking their gaze.

"Are you okay, Thompson?" Ice Lucy asked her counterpart, concern evident in her voice.

Lucy looked into Ice Lucy's eyes, her hands slipping away from Simon's grasp as she wrapped her arms tightly around herself. The weight of their mistakes and the consequences of their foolish deal weighed heavily on her.

"H-How are you able to do that?" Lucy's voice trembled as she struggled to hold back tears.

Ice Lucy, with a gentle and patient tone, responded as if speaking to a child, "Whatever do you mean?"

"I-I mean how do you s-stay so calm!? As if we hadn't already fudged up by making that stupid deal!" Lucy's voice cracked as tears began to stream down her face.

Sensing Lucy's distress, Ice Lucy motioned for Simon to join the others by the Winter King's throne. Simon reluctantly left, his gaze lingering on the crying Lucy. He longed to comfort her, but he knew it wasn't his moment.

"Lucille Jade Thompson," Ice Lucy spoke, interrupting Lucy's sobbing. "Look at me." Lucy felt the cold touch of her counterpart's hands wiping away her tears.

"We are not monsters. We simply made a terrible mistake, just like anyone else would. The curse has been agonizing, believe me. I can empathize more than anyone."

Lucy sniffled, her tears threatening to fall once again.

"But how come you can control it? Any strong emotion I feel only makes it worse," Lucy asked, her voice filled with confusion and frustration.

Ice Lucy offered a soft smile, radiating warmth and understanding.

"I can control it because I made a conscious decision to shift my focus away from the negatives. After I was discovered, my powers shifted their attention from the darkness and began to embrace the light." Ice Lucy's gaze drifted towards Winter King, her love evident in her eyes.

Lucy nodded, still feeling a mix of confusion and understanding. Her gaze then shifted to Simon, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as she thought about their time spent together so far.

Ice Lucy noticed Lucy's blush and let out a warm laugh.

"You'll find your own source of light one day. And from the looks of it, you may have already found it." Before Lucy could inquire further, Ice Lucy gracefully skated back towards her throne, rejoining the others.

Lucy stood there for a moment, letting Ice Lucy's words sink in. She realized that she needed to focus on the good, focus on Simon, and embrace the positive aspects of her life.

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