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The group had made their way to the core, only to see the copy of Prismo and a statue of Golb in the center.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" Prismo's copy addressed the group.

"And the new battery?" Prismo asked.

"You already know, you're me."

"Ha-ha. Yeah, this is confusing."

"Prismo! Where's the exit?" Fionna yelled.

"It's been cool hanging out...'

"But you gotta go back now," Both Prismos said.

"What?!" Fionna and Cake shouted.

Prismo took Lucy's sketchbook and placed it on the alter before addressing Simon.

"Simon– do the thing with the portal!" Both Prismos said.

"No way. I am not going through that heartache again.' Simon refused.

"We're out, too!" Fionna shouted.

"Stop! Fionna! Cake!"

Lucy realized how exposed her horns were at that moment and used her hands to cover them up before sitting down.

Simon, Lucy, and the two Prismo clones were drinking and leaning against the wall when another Prismo clone faded into the room.

"I donked up." It said.

"Join the club," Prismo said before merging with his copies and burping.

Fionna and Cake reentered the room out of breath and confused.

"What's up?" Prismo asked them.

'What the heck? Did you just make us go through a big circle?" Fionna accused.

Prismo chuckled before pointing at Simon.

"Okay, we're out of time. You need to get back inside his head now." Prismo then looked at Lucy. "And you need to destroy that sketchbook."

The wall next to them exploded, causing everyone to shield their eyes from the blast.

"Found you!" Scarab chuckled before looking at Fionna and Cake.

"Ah, the crossovers. You're evidence. You're getting egged, too." He turned his cane into a crystal that held containers resembling eggs.

Fionna and Cake whimpered with fear.

"And after that, into the incinerator with the rest of the trash."

"N-No!" Prismo shouted, breaking Scarab's focus. Everyone looked at the Wishmaster in shock.

"They're Fionna and Cake...and they go where they want!" Prismo summoned his magical remote for Fionna to grab. Fionna saw a pink glowing button appear as Prismo made a wall go in front of Scarab. He held it closed with struggle.

"Run! And keep running! This dude will hunt you like a polar bear!" He told Fionna and Cake.

"Prismo..." Fionna said softly.

"Hit the button," Prismo grunted. "And hold on tight to each other!"

Fionna and Cake held hands as they both looked at Simon and Lucy. Both, still in shock at what's happening. Fionna offered them her hand.

Simon saw this and sighed. "What's the point?

Fionna crouched to Simon's level and slapped him in the face.


"You dum-dum!" Fionna teared up. "If you don't help us, Simon, our entire world and everyone we know will die!"

Cake put a hand on Fionna's shoulder before looking at the man.

"Please! Help us!"

Simon held the slap mark on his cheek.

"G-Go!" Prismo yelled.

Simon grabbed Fionna's shaking hand, calming it. He then grabbed Lucy's hand to stand her up quickly.

"O-Okay! No time for sentimentals! We gotta go!"

They al nodded determined and pressed the button on the remote.

The Scarab broke free from the wall and pointed his blaster at the group ready to fire. Then the group was quickly teleported away to Glob knows where. The Scarab's blast missed. Fionna, Cake, Simon, and Lucy were teleported into the middle of a cornfield. Each of them gasped for air.

"Are we back in the magic world?" Fionna asked excitedly.

Lucy put a motherly hand on Fionna's shoulder.

"I don't think so, hun. Just looks like a cornfield."

"Besides," Simon spoke. "This doesn't look like Ooo."

Fionna and Cake gave a groan. Fionna sat down and put her head on her knees. Cake stretched into a UFO to try and cheer her up.

Fionna grabbed her hat's bunny ears in frustration. "What are we gonna do? That bug guy's still after us and we can't take him on." Cake gave Fionna a hug to comfort her.

Simon walked over to them and sighed. "I used to be able to stop whole armies of jerks like that, but I'm useless now."

"Uh, yeah, we know." Cake said bluntly.

Lucy grabbed the remote from Fionna's hands and eyed it carefully.

"Maybe this can get us back to Ooo, but without the knowledge of what channel number it is we could end up back in the Time Room where the Scarab will most definitely be waiting."

Cake's stomach growled. "I'm hungry Fionna."

"I'll check my new backpack."

Cake looked over at Simon. "Got anything in that big ol' muumuu?"

Simon began patting his cloak trying to search for a hidden pocket when he felt the scar from earlier that day underneath.

"Sandwiches!" Fionna gasped.

Simon walked over to Fionna, Cake, and Lucy.

" I know a way I can protect you from the Scarab, bring magic back to your world, and make it last forever."

Lucy looked at Simon and grimaced, already guessing what he was going to say.

"Simon, no..." she said softly.

Simon ignored her and looked at Fionna and Cake.

"I need to become Ice King again."

Fionna and Cake gulp because of that revelation and because of their sandwiches.

Lucy's reaction to Simon's words was evident as she furrowed her eyebrows and her horns subtly grew in size, without ever diminishing. 

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