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After Fionna, Cake, and Prismo finished explaining, Lucy felt her eye twitch. Prismo noticed this and summoned a pillow.

"So, all of this-" He was cut off by the sounds of Lucy screaming into the pillow, her horns rapidly growing and shrinking.

"So, all of this is really bad, but I think we're gonna be okay."

Lucy had stopped screaming into the pillow Prismo gave her and sat next to Simon. Simon gave her a weak smile and handed her a can of beer.

"As long as no one else knows." The room went silent at the sound of tapping from the outside.

Prismo, panicked, turned the lights of the cube back on. "Oh, no! Quick down the stairs!"

Fionna and Cake looked around worriedly, "What stairs?" Fionna said.

Simon and Lucy both continued to sit there. Simon stared at his own reflection and Lucy was playing with her fingers, questioning all that she thought she knew.

"Oh! Shoot." Prismo replied to Fionna while revealing some stairs. He also made a copy of himself.

"I'll deal with whoever that is." He told his copy.

"You guys follow me to the exit." The copy told Fionna, Cake, Simon, and Lucy. Both Prismos nodded at each other, ready to do the plan.

Cake and Fionna rushed over to the moping Simon and Lucy.

"Up, up, up!" Fionna said grabbing Simon while Cake grabbed Lucy. They ran to the stairwell and went down it, pausing to hear the original Prismo call out: "Just a minute!" at the knocking. The stairway closed above them allowing them to continue without being seen.

Original Prismo opened the door of the yellow cube to allow whoever was knocking to be let in. An insect-like man-creature walked into the room, shocking Prismo.

"Scarab! Hey!" Prismo said awkwardly.

"Curious," Scarab said flipping into the room. "I always thought you had an open-door policy. Everybody's pal, Prismo." Scarab pointed his cane at Prismo.

"Hey! That's me! Well, what brings you here Scrabby?"

Scarab scoffed at Prismo's statement.

"No one calls me that anymore. I was passing through the neighborhood, making a delivery to the Judgment Hall, when I got an alert...about you" he pointed his cane at Prismo again.

Prismo gasped.


"Your Universe Breach Alarm went off twice and went ignored?"

"Oh. I just needed to change the batteries. Nothing for an important guy like you to worry about." Prismo lied. "Yeah, everything in the Time Room is going great."

Scarab started to walk in the direction of the hidden stairway causing the original Prismo to block his way awkwardly.

"Yeah, well, thanks for coming by. I know you're really busy, so..."

Scarab started to poke near the hidden staircase with his cane hitting it and hearing the hollow sound of it.

"Prismo, it almost seems like you're trying to get rid of me..."

Prismo nervously chuckled.

"W-What? No, no! I love it when you stop by. Let's bro out! We can party like we used to."

Prismo put his projected arm around Scarab.

"I was never invited to parties," Scarab grumbled, annoyed with Prismo's antics.

"Well, time to fix that." Prismo nervously smiled.

Deep underneath the Time room lay a void filled with staircases, hallways, and rooms.

Prismo's copy, Fionna, Cake, Simon, and Lucy all made their way down the steps.

"Ugh," Fionna grumbled fixing her skirt. "We just want to go back to Ooo. Why are we hiding?"

Prismo's copy looked at her then looked away.

"Remember when I said I wasn't supposed to create new realities for myself? It's actually a big deal and I could get in serious trouble for it." Prismo stated as the group all continued to make their way down the steps.

"The guy who was at the door," Prismo continued, "That's the Scarab. He's a jerk god-auditor. And if he finds out about you, he's gonna report me and then–gugh–" Prismo shuddered, "My boss is gonna drop the hammer!"

Fionna stopped walking, looking at Prismo. "Your boss?" She stopped to fix her skirt again, which led to her getting knocked over by Simon causing a domino effect within the group. "Gah! Simon!"

"Whoa!" Simon groaned as his back hit one of the steps.

"Fionna!" Cake stated, attempting to grab Fionna.

"Gah!" Lucy shrieked as she almost fell off the side of the stairs.

The group tumbled down the steps. Fionna landed first, followed by Cake, who landed on top of her.

Simon landed down next, falling on his back with his legs in the air, and his cloak uncovering his ass. Fionna and Cake noticed this and giggled.

As Simon fixed the cloak around him, Cake patted Fionna's thigh. "It's okay Fionna, walking on two legs is hard."

Fionna grumbled fixing her skirt again. "It's not my legs, it's this damn skirt."

"Girl, you look good though."

Prismo looked at Fionna in confusion.

"Weird. You never had any trouble with skirts in my stories. Where's Lucy? She could fix this."

"AHH!" Lucy fell off the stairs and landed on her face next to Simon.

"Oh, there you are!" Prismo said. "Quick, can you change Fionna's design to have shorts instead of a skirt?"

Lucy looked up at Prismo in annoyance.

"And how, prey-tell, am I supposed to do that?"

"With your sketchbook and your brain, girl!"

Lucy eyed Prismo. She grumbled as she took out her sketchbook and quickly changed Fionna's skirt into a pair of shorts.

"How about them shorts, huh?" original Prismo said in his hot tub next to the Scarab.

"What? What do you mean 'shorts'?" Scarab pondered to original Prismo. Prismo panicked before thinking of a believable lie.

"Uh, you know, mortals. I call them 'shorts' because they're smaller than us. And their lives are really short."

Back underneath the Time Room, Prismo sighed.

"Having two conversations at the same time is hard."

The group walked down a hallway calmly until Upstairs Prismo let the Scarab into the basement of the Time Room.

"Uh-oh. We'll take a shortcut through the core." Prismo looked at the slow-walking Simon and Lucy.

"Pick up the pace, Lucy and Simon! You guys really don't want to get caught by this guy!"

"I don't care," Simon remarked. "I mean, you show me all my messed-up past and expect me to just shrug it off like it's no big deal. 'Just move forward Simon.' Well, maybe I don't want to move forward." Simon grabbed his cloak and sat on the ground grumpily. "Maybe I just want to sit right here."

Prismo rolled his eyes, "Ugh, this guy." He looked at Lucy and raised an eyebrow at her.

Lucy gave a tsk, crossing her arms.

"Why would I listen to someone who got us in this mess?"

Prismo rolled his eyes again and used his powers to make the floor move underneath Simon and Lucy.

"Oh, sweet!" Cake remarked, sitting on the moving floor as well.

Fionna just stepped onto it.

Lucy mostly zoned out next to Simon. She had sat down a while ago because her legs started to hurt.

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