-|Winter Wonderland|-

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Simon quickly closed the back of the remote and fumbled for a second, allowing the Scarab to grab Simon's foot just in time for Simon to bring them to a different dimension.

Whatever universe they landed into was freezing cold. Lucy was going to yelp because of it but she quickly remembered why she should yelp.

The Scarab got up, ready to chase them.

"Oh, flip! We gotta run!"

Fionna, Simon, Cake, and Lucy all ran away from the Scarab as the Scarab chased. The ice below them made it harder as they slipped and slid. As Lucy ran from the Scarab, she noticed that the ice around her looked like buildings.

Simon fell on the ice causing Lucy to panic, her horns growing slightly more.


The Scarab was closer now.

"Come here!" he yelled about to grab them.

A glowing blue lightning bolt came from above and hit the Scarab, freezing him in a chunk of ice.

The group looked at him before hearing laughter.

"Worry not, friends."

They turned around to see two figures riding on the back of a majestic bird-like creature. As Lucy took a closer look, she noticed that the person who had come to their rescue had shoulder-length white hair and pale blue skin. He was wearing glasses and had a pointy nose, dressed in a stylish blue suit with a crown with red jewels atop his head. Standing beside him was a woman with snow-white, pointy hair, and a longish nose. She wore a smaller crown that complemented her regal presence. Her attire consisted of a light purple dress with dark purple accents, long white gloves, and dark purple boots. Lucy couldn't help but notice her eyes, which were a striking dark frosty blue, and the freckles that adorned her face, adding a touch of charm.

"You're safe now," the man assured, reaching out and grasping the woman's hand. The bird creature, with great care, lifted both of them off its head and onto the ground.

"The rascal is trapped inside my unbreakable ice," the man reassured, chuckling to himself.

Lucy approached the pair, her attention primarily drawn to the woman.

"You bear a striking resemblance to me," Lucy pondered aloud. Everyone turned their gaze towards Lucy, and the woman responded with a warm smile.

"What do you mean, my dear?" the woman asked, her voice as clear and refreshing as a cool glass of water.

Fionna and Cake couldn't help but gasp in disbelief as they heard the woman's voice.

"No way! She sounds just like you!" Fionna exclaimed, her eyes widening in astonishment.

Simon, always observant, chimed in with excitement. "And look, she even has horns! But hers are made of ice!"

Lucy, initially skeptical, scoffed at their claims. "Come on, guys. There's no way she could be me. Just look at her!" Lucy started circling around the woman, carefully studying her features.

"She's so poised and perfect...," Lucy trailed off, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. She glanced at the woman once again, meeting her warm and inviting smile.

Lucy took a step back, her expression filled with a mixture of awe and resignation. "She's me."

The ice replica of Lucy playfully performed a curtsey. "Lucy Thompson, at your service! Although here, I am known as Lucy Perikov, ruling alongside my beloved." Ice Lucy turned to the blue-skinned man, acknowledging him.

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