-|Winter Wonderland iii|-

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"You'll find your own source of light one day. And from the looks of it, you may have already found it." Before Lucy could inquire further, Ice Lucy gracefully skated back towards her throne, rejoining the others.

Lucy stood there for a moment, letting Ice Lucy's words sink in. She realized that she needed to focus on the good, focus on Simon, and embrace the positive aspects of her life.

Winter King and Ice Lucy led the group to their balcony that overlooked the entire kingdom.

"Uh, are you sure it's not too much trouble?" Simon asked Winter King.

"You just relax, Simon. It will take just one week to make a duplicate crown in our laboratory."

"A week?!" Cake exclaimed.

Fionna gave Cake a harmless kick. "Psst! Don't be rude."

Ice Lucy put a hand on Simon's shoulder while holding her counterpart's hand. "In the meantime, please feel free to partake in the pleasures of the Winter Kingdom!"

"Fionna, let's check that place out." Cake said out loud, pointing to some pink mountains on the horizon. "It looks gnarly as hell!"

"No, no. That place is forbidden." Winter King and Ice Lucy exclaimed before calming down.

"W-What we mean is, it can be dangerous out there!"

Winter King and Ice Lucy turned to their normal counterparts.

"Would you two like to help us in our laboratory? We can get you some better clothes as well!" Ice Lucy exclaimed happily. Winter King smiled before dragging Lucy and Simon off with them.


Ice Lucy led Simon and Lucy to the shared bedroom she and Winter King occupied. With a warm smile, she addressed them, "Winter King and I have a surplus of clothes that we no longer wear, and we thought you two might find them useful."

Lucy looked a bit puzzled, responding hesitantly, "Uh, thanks, I guess?"

As Lucy leaned over to Simon, a hint of confusion and curiosity laced her words. "You know, it's kind of weird that we're technically married in this universe, don't you think?"

Simon couldn't help but feel his cheeks flush with a rosy hue. "Yeah, it's definitely a little strange. But when you consider the circumstances, it actually makes sense. Winter King found you in the cave before Princess Bubblegum did."

Lucy's eyes sparkled with realization. "Ah, yes! And because of that, the version of me in this world ended up falling in love with the version of you."

A gentle warmth spread through Lucy as she contemplated the unique connection they shared. "It's almost as if..."

Before Simon could finish his thought, their attention was diverted as Ice Lucy gracefully skated into the room, a bundle of clothes cradled in her arms.

Ice Lucy cheerfully sang, "I found some things for you two!~" as she presented the items she had gathered.

She handed Simon a dark suit, a nostalgic piece from Winter King's wardrobe. "For Simon, one of my beloved's old suits. I thought you might like it."

Turning to Lucy, Ice Lucy offered a light purple short-sleeved shirt and a pair of black pants. "And for my fellow Thompson, one of our old favorites! I no longer have a use for it, so you can have it."

Lucy accepted the outfit with a small frown, her tone betraying a lack of enthusiasm. "Thanks," she said monotonously.

Ice Lucy's smile faltered for a moment, sensing Lucy's disappointment. "I'm sorry if it's not what you were hoping for. If you don't like it, I can find something else."

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