Chapter 123 - Viviane's Courage

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"I grant thee my hollow grace!"

Medrauta felt like it had been ages since she'd heard her lady utter those words, but time had done nothing to damper the strength that surged through her body as Viviane's Crest manifested. The battlefield lit up with a resplendent burst of silver light that washed over the soldiers clustered around her, inspiring her allies and striking fear in her enemies.

With a powerful swing of her sword, Medrauta swept away all those who stood before her in a single blow. The power of Viviane's Crest had caused the force of her attack to create a shockwave so large and powerful that the entire enemy formation was sent reeling, the closest of her foes being blown backward and knocked unconscious entirely. Clad in shining armor that radiated silver light, Medrauta charged forward with a sky-shattering shout as she parted the sea of soldiers who onced barred her way.

The men of Dietrich fief rallied toward Medrauta, storming through the broken formation of their enemies with such ferocity that even the earth shook beneath their feet. Though they were fewer in number, their zeal more than made up for it as they plowed through the foes that had been pushing them back mere seconds ago. With Medrauta leading the charge, the left flank was now surging forward, folding Bastiche's soldiers into themselves as they began a rapid counterattack that would soon shift the entire rhythm of combat.

While her knight tore through the enemy units, Viviane brought her horse to a moderate canter, taking care to prevent it from accidentally trampling the awe-drunk soldiers that surged around her. Viviane smiled as she watched her knight proudly lead the charge, Medrauta's armor like a silver beacon as she scattered her enemies without pause. Despite the distance that Medrauta had gained, Viviane didn't find it difficult to maintain her Crest, guessing it was probably because she wasn't being made to concentrate on anything else.

Unfortunately, the noblewoman knew all too well that was about to change. While she wasn't a veteran who had seen multiple campaigns like Sakura, the battles Viviane experienced throughout their march through Revelo fief had taught her that the battlefield was an unpredictable and chaotic place where victory could be snatched by any contender at a moment's behest. With her enhanced vision, Viviane noticed it would just be a matter of time before Basitche's knights rallied once more and congregated to the left flank in an effort to stop her knight in shining armor.

But Viviane would not grant them the chance. Her line of sight pierced deep into the enemy formation, picking out several elite units who were slowly maneuvering away from the front line in a bid to stop Medrauta's charge. In truth, their maneuver was something of a gamble as it now left the front open to Marilyn's onslaught unchecked, however, the hostile knights probably thought Marilyn could wait when they were witnessing their left flank collapse so quickly.

Viviane unslung her bow from her back and nocked an arrow to the string, drawing and sighting in a single motion as she aimed the broad tip of the arrowhead at one of the knights who were cutting their way through the mass of men barring their way. Her fingers relaxed, allowing the bowstring to slip free and sing its deadly song. Viviane's arrow flew straight and true, its pointed head slipping through a gap in the knight's armor and piercing through their knee.

While she could have just as easily aimed for her target's vitals, she had learned that it was far more advantageous to deal a crippling blow on the battlefield. Although Revelo fief had the luxury of fielding a great deal more knights than Dietrich, knights were still invaluable in the end and were not to be sacrificed without good cause. Viviane watched with an amalgamation of guilt and reluctant satisfaction as her target went down, tumbling face first into the mud and causing those who followed behind to stumble as well.

Though they were enemies on this battlefield, the noblewoman couldn't bring herself to truly celebrate her skill so long as her arrows were directed at fellow countrymen. Viviane lowered her bow for a moment to watch the aftermath with a grim look on her face. Just as she'd predicted, one of the knights who had accompanied her target was now forced to stop and scoop up the injured knight before making a break for the rear lines with haste.

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