Chapter 3: Sir Comes Home

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     Even as the sun rose on Beverly Hills and the light of day cast a warm glow over the master bedroom, it wasn't enough to pull Amy from her deep and peaceful slumber. It had been a long time since she had slept this well before. All the crying she had done after her break-up, had worn her out far more than the one night of pleasure she'd given herself. It was just the refresher she needed to go along with this mini vacation, but pleasuring herself was not going to make her forget about Andrew. It was only a temporary relief.

Sooner or later, the memory would come back, and then she would realize how complete and utterly alone she was now. Having to masturbate to keep herself happy, was pathetic. Only virgins had to resort to doing that.

Amy had no idea how long she had been asleep, but nothing could possibly awaken her. She was having one of the best sexual dreams of her life, enough to make her squirm and moan.

The click of the apartment door lock did not stir her.

Neither did the soft leisurely footsteps, first moving through the foyer then the upstairs hallway.

By the time the master bedroom door opened a minute later, her moaning and squirming had stopped and she was resting peacefully once again.

The footsteps came again, Amy finally beginning to stir.

"You're not Courtney."

Amy groaned, her eyes fluttering open at the unfamiliar voice. It took her a moment to focus her eyes on the figure that stood at the foot of the bed. 

When the sleepiness cleared from her eyes, she saw a tall, dark haired man standing there in an expensive looking suit and tie, a youthful and utterly handsome man with bright, captivating blue eyes. 

"Am I..." She quickly sat up in bed, blinking a few times, refusing to believe her own brown eyes, refusing to believe this gorgeous piece of man meat was actually there. "Okay, I'm still dreaming."

"Hardly," said the gorgeous man, no trace of emotion in his incredibly silky voice. "Now who the hell are you? Hey–" His dark brows furrowed inquisitively as he looked down, pointing a finger at her chest, "is that my lab coat?"

Amy blinked, her eyes widening in horror, heart pounding frantically, sex clenching involuntarily at his last choice of words.

Holy shit! Is he...Eric Masters?

Looking down at herself, she quickly pulled the coat closed in an attempt to hide her bare naked breasts. She crossed her arms firmly over her chest, opening her mouth and trying as she might to formulate a coherent sentence, but nothing came out. Nothing but a squeak.

"I asked you a question, two questions to be exact, and all you give me is a squeak?" His ocean tinted eyes darkened with vexation. "Answer me," he commanded sharply, so sharply she found herself flinching, her sex tingling.

"I–I'm sorry. I'm A–Amy, Courtney's best friend and room mate, and yeah, it is...y--your coat, lab coat. I mean, Dr. Masters lab coat."

"I'm Dr. Masters," he implied. "Dr. Eric Masters."

Her jaw just about hit the floor, a tremble rolling through her, eyes growing wide all over again, heart pounding like a drum.

Holy shit!

It was he, him, here, now! The mysterious but amazing smelling doctor, the one who owned the lab coat and stethoscope she had masturbated with last night, the one who owned the gun, and the intriguing BDSM playroom next door. Dr. Eric Masters...him! And even from this five foot distance, that cologne was already starting to drift in her direction.

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