Chapter 19: What A Waste of Makeup!

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She listened to Eric's footsteps, the soft click of his heels moving across the tiled floor. Her heart nearly pounded right out of her chest as he passed the stall. Pressing her lips together firmly, she looked down at her feet with a scowl. These were not the right shoes for this and her knees were already trembling, her thighs aching from the strain of her position.

For a moment, she felt as though she were a frightened teenage girl in a horror movie, hiding under the bed from a psycho killer. That was ridiculous of course, because if she made a noise, he would probably assume there was simply another man in the room and in the stall. As long as he couldn't see her, she was in the clear.

His footsteps stopped.

She shivered as she heard him unbuckle his pants, grimaced when she imagined that belt striking her again for another punishment. This one would probably put her out for weeks.

No. No! Just stop thinking like that. It's not going to happen.

Eric unzipped his pants then began to urinate, letting out a soft sigh of relief.

Amy blinked, her brows furrowing slightly, wondering how long he had been holding that in. The pain in both her thighs and her trembling ankles was only getting stronger. Fuck. She shut her eyes tightly, willing it to go away, praying for him to finish and get out.

Oh please...please...

His urinating stopped and he zipped up then buckled his belt, his footsteps moving across the floor once again. He stopped at the sink and paused for a few long seconds.

She heard him sniff a couple times. Shit! Was it her? Did he actually smell her? She was mentally kicking herself for wearing perfume that night.

Stupid, stupid, stupid!

The sink turned on and he proceeded to wash his hands.

She had to resist the urge to breathe a huge sigh of relief.

The faucet turned off, there were footsteps then the air dryer turned on.

Amy tried to adjust her position on top of the toilet and nearly slipped, a yelp escaping her. She froze, her eyes widening in horror, slapping both hands over her mouth, hoping to god he didn't hear that. The air dryer was pretty loud in itself, but was it loud enough to mask the sound? She hoped...prayed...waited. Pressing her lips together, she held her breath, one hand braced against the wall for balance, the other still over her mouth, not daring to move another inch.

Footsteps. Then...


The door was opening. He was leaving.

Oh thank you God! She heard the door shut, the hand dryer shut off, then nothing.


Letting out the breath she was holding in, she slowly climbed down from the toilet, her legs immediately thanking her for the relief. She bent one knee and then the other, stretching each of her legs before stepping out of the stall. Sliding her purse onto her shoulder, she stepped towards the sink and blinked, surprised at her own reflection. She had messed up sex hair and smeared makeup.

Great. Just great.

She scowled. Turning away from the mirror, she hurried out of the men's room before anyone else came in. Fortunately for her, there was no one waiting for her outside. Neither Eric nor Christian. She did, however, slip into the ladies room again to tend to her appearance. She had already been gone long enough, what was a few more minutes? As she began to brush through her hair, she heard the vibration of her cell phone from inside her purse. That had to be Christian. Slipping her free hand inside, she fished out the device, seeing the unfamiliar number and the words:

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