Chapter 22: First Gynecologist Visit

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     The next morning, she was pulled from her peaceful slumber by her alarm, playing the tune of "Take It Off" by The Donnas. She turned over with a groan, grabbing her cell from the nightstand and lifting her head from the pillow to silence it. After setting it back in its place, she rolled over onto her back, instantly gasping and wincing when she felt the anal plug dig painfully into her hole. "Ah! Shit!" She cried.

    Groaning irritably, she stared up at the ceiling and shook her head in disbelief, blowing a raspberry. "How can anyone in their right mind find this shit comfortable?" She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her palms, exuded a long yawn and stretched her arms high above her head. Looking over at the bedroom door, she heard no sounds on the other side of it or smelled anything to indicate breakfast was being prepared, which meant Eric was probably long gone by now. Which meant this damn thing could come out now.

    She turned onto her side, pushing herself up to her hands and knees. Sticking her ass out, she reached behind her, feeling around for a few seconds until she found the jeweled end of the plug. It took her a moment to get a grip on it but as soon as she did, she held her breath and slowly pulled it out. "Ah!" With a huge sigh of relief, she dropped it on the bed. "Thank god!"

    Crawling off the bed, she went to her suitcase to gather up her last clean outfit but froze when she caught sight of her backside in the mirror. She scowled deeply, hissing as her fingers lightly brushed over both maroon tinted cheeks. The welts that had been there before from the mark of his belt had not only become darker, but were now two large circles that covered almost the extent of each cheek. Not only that, but there was a series of hickeys running down her spine.

    "Oh fuck..." She breathed.

    Eric had thoroughly and officially left his mark on her, in more ways than one. Damn it! Well, at least she could be thankful that he was the only doctor she was seeing today. Anyone else would assume she was living the life of a battered woman. Been there, done that, and she would prefer it if she didn't have to relive it again. Heaving a deep sigh, she turned and walked out of the room, still teetering every now and then due to the night's previous events. Just as she suspected, the condo was deathly quiet.

    Eric was gone.

    She would be able to shower in peace, and more importantly...without those amazing wandering hands of his. It took her all of twenty minutes. She took extra special care to scrub even more thoroughly "down there" than usual, but did find herself cringing every now and then when she hit a sensitive spot. A spot where the soreness was still very much present. Since she had shaved her legs the day before, she didn't need to shave again so it saved her some time. Once she dried herself off and got dressed, she proceeded to plug in the blow dryer and dry her hair.

    The only outfit she had left in her suitcase was a pair of dark denim True Religion jeans with thick white stitching on the back pockets, and a teal long sleeved blouse by QVC designer, Lori Goldstein, with a button down chiffon detail in the back. When she was done with her hair, she brushed through it a few times to make it look decent, then pulled on the only shoes she'd brought with her, her brown suede ankle boots. By the time she was done getting ready, it was twenty past nine and she knew she had to be heading out.

    Her stomach had been growling ever since she woke up, but it was doubtful she was going to have time to make herself something to eat. She barely had enough money to stop anywhere on her way to the clinic. Where was this clinic anyway? He never told her. She grabbed her smart phone and purse then headed downstairs, finding a note waiting for her on the kitchen counter. She took a few steps forward then froze, wincing at the sudden ache and burning in her pussy.

    Shit. Had she scrubbed too hard, or was this pain still due to the after effects of those two hard fucks? Shit, shit. The chunky wooden soles of her boots clicked noisily against the floor as she teetered toward the counter. The note read:

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