Chapter 25: Spread Those Pretty Knees

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     The more Amy laid there doing nothing, the heavier her eyelids became. They simply refused to stay open. Sleep was pulling her in and this Xanax was really kicking her ass. She hadn't remembered it having this big of an effect on her before. How the hell would she drive? She understood now why Eric implied he drive her home instead. But wouldn't she have to drive right back to his condo anyway for her training? Okay, well now she was confused and her head was starting to hurt.

    In the past fifteen minutes or so that he had been gone, no one had come into the room or so much as knocked on the door. That was a relief in itself, considering her wet slit was facing the door. She heard the nurses conversing with one another as they passed the room, asking one another about their weekend, about appointments that had or hadn't been made, but mostly, Eric's patients. The only thing that kept her from falling asleep, was when she heard her name mentioned by one of them. She lifted her head and strained to hear them over the beeping of her pulse.

    "Is Dr. Masters finished with his ten o' clock? Amy Gellar? Or is she still here?" One woman asked.

    "Amy? She's still here, in room three." Megan replied.

    Of course I'm still here! I'm strapped down to his fucking exam table! Where else would I go?

    "Last I checked, he had to step out to deal with Mrs. Tomlinson," Megan added. "You know how problematic she can be. I think he still has to perform Amy's pelvic exam."

    At the mention of those words, she whimpered, her folds tightening instinctively.

    "I see," the other woman said.

    Her mind wandered as the two nurses started talking about the events of their weekends again. She shifted restlessly against the table, shutting her eyes and sighing softly. A few more minutes passed in which she started to drift off to sleep. That was until she heard Eric's voice on the other side of the door, greeting someone else in the office.

    "Hello ladies!" He said.

    She tensed, her heart instantly picking up speed, giving her a sudden boost of energy, even if her tired eyes and lead-like muscles told her otherwise.

    "Well here he is!" A nurse declared happily. "Hello, Dr. Masters. Did everything go well with you and Mrs. T today?"

    "For now. Everything is fine, Michelle. Time to get back to my problem child in room three."

    Oh shit, oh fuck, oh damn, oh no! Here he comes.

    The Dom, her fucking Dom, was coming back!

    Okay, stay calm. Pretend you're asleep.

    She shut her eyes and laid still, realizing how pointless that was two seconds later due to the elevated beeping of the monitor. Stupid nerves! Stupid heart! She heard the door open and fought hard to keep her breathing slow and steady, to hold back the whimper that wanted to escape her at that moment.

    He paused, sighed wearily and shut the door.

    After a couple clicks of his footsteps, she could feel his presence suddenly looming over her and there was no way in hell she could keep herself from swallowing.

    "You can't fool me, Amy," he said. "With that pulse ox on your finger and the beeping of the monitor, I know damn well you're not asleep."

    She whined like a child, slowly opening her eyes and meeting his unimpressed gaze.

    He stood near the foot of the table, his arms crossed firmly over his chest. "Stop whining. It won't get you anywhere."

    She grumbled, averting her gaze elsewhere. Her head quickly turned back when she heard him pulling on a fresh pair of rubber gloves.

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