Chapter 8: Amy's Punishment

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     Turning away from him, she bit her lip and tried as she might not to squeal. She waited until he was downstairs then followed after him, striding around the corner and down the hall to retrieve the laundry. She took her time throwing the clothes into the dryer, checking her phone every now and then, counting the minutes until she met Eric-or should she say, her Dom for play. She had twenty minutes left to spare once the clothes were set to dry. She took that time to use the bathroom and slide off her panties, purposely leaving them on the floor before walking out.

Ten minutes left.

Biting her lip, she leaned against the wall, wondering what this hard ass Dom would do to her if she chickened out. What would he do if she locked herself away in the guest room and refused to come out? What if she played hide and seek, hid in the closet or under the bed but left the door unlocked for him to find her?

She shuddered, pushed herself away from the wall and slowly walked down the hall. Her pussy was throbbing, her heart pumping faster with each step she took. She came around the corner, walked through the foyer and slowly made her way upstairs to the playroom, her steps slowing the closer she got. By the time she reached the door, her thickening wetness was already sliding down her thighs. Lifting a shaky hand, she softly rapped on the door, whether it was necessary or not.

"It's open," came Eric's voice from within.

Right. Duh.

Closing her hand around the knob, she twisted and slowly pushed the door open. The room was just as she remembered it, all the various padded benches with restraint systems attached, the big cage against the far right wall, oh and that tempting exam table in the corner.

"Hello Amy," said Eric, just as her eyes locked on him. He was standing in the center of the room, right next to a triangular, padded horse like bench. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, arms held behind his back. His tie was undone, both sides draped over his shoulders, a few buttons undone at the top of his shirt. "You're a few minutes early but right on time."

The first thing that drew her eyes was the bench. It looked less than inviting, but with the gorgeous hunk of a man standing beside it, it was very tempting. Either way she looked at it, she knew she wouldn't be able to get away from him. Not now. Whether she liked it or not, she would have to do whatever he told her to. Of course, there was another option...Key.

She bit her bottom lip, nervously twirling a strand of hair around her finger, crossing her right ankle over her left.

"Take off the robe and come here."

Amy whimpered at his order, instinctively pulling the robe tighter around herself and crossing her arms over it, but she did no such thing.

"Amy..." Eric noticeably shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his gaze darkening to those deeply cold sapphires. He heaved a deep and irritable sigh. "If I have to tell you a second time, another strike will be added against you and we'll be here all night. Do I need to remind you of the very long list that's still growing as a result of your disobedience?"

She swallowed hard, gently shaking her head. "N-No, sir. I remember." Slowly, she untied the robe and slipped it off, letting it pool at her feet. She shivered at the chilliness of the room, about to lift her arms to cover herself, but quickly decided against it.

Eric nodded. "Good girl. Now get over here."

Slowly, she walked over to him, stopping a foot away and waiting for further instructions.

"Over the bench, one leg on each side," he commanded.

Over the bench? Shit. She had a feeling that was where this was going, but she was hoping she was wrong. Just as slowly as she had walked over to him, she climbed onto and straddled the paddled bench, holding her arms down at her sides, pressing the tips of her fingers and toes against the floor to steady herself.

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