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Saving lives was something Dr. Christian Masters had committed his life to. It was something that came natural to him, as natural as breathing. The cardiovascular system was what he was highly skilled in and what he had mastered, so much so that he had hardly lost a single patient on his operating table in the past two months. He was on a winning streak, his colleagues said. He was an unstoppable and skilled surgeon with an amazing bedside manner that kept him in such high regard with everyone, patients, friends, family and colleagues alike.

If someone was in need of help, he could always be counted on to take the lead in the situation and do everything in his power to make things right, without any hesitation whatsoever. If someone needed a heart transplant, a friendly and nonjudgmental ear, a word of advice, a babysitter, a more aggressive Dom with a much firmer hand or even a doctor to make an emergency house call in the middle of the night, he was there.

Christian should have been able to handle this kind of thing, whether he was in his natural work environment or not, but never, ever, in his wildest dreams, could he possibly have imagined that he would be losing the one girl in his life that meant as much to him as his own sister, the one girl that he was starting to fall in love with. Goddamn it! This wasn't happening! Not here and not to him.

"Amy!" Christian shouted, scowling as he listened to her heart pounding loudly and uncontrollably in his ears. He looked up and saw her eyelids begin to close. "No, no, no, no. Amy! Stay with me!" He quickly pulled the stethoscope out of his ears, pressing two fingers to her neck and glancing up at the frantically beeping monitor, an alarm sounding. "Goddamn it! She's in V-tach!"

Grabbing a pair of surgical scissors from the nearby cart, he quickly cut through the bottom of Amy's blouse, ripping it open and setting both his hands on her sternum, pushing hard and fast. "Starting compressions!" His own heart was pounding frantically as he stared up at the monitor, her pulse ox below normal, but he needed her on more than just that pulse ox. "Come on, Amy! Come back to me."

A dark haired young man rushed over with the defib unit as Christian continued compressions, counting each one out.

The girl at the head of the gurney stopped her pumping of the bag, just as she had been trained to.

He waited until he reached thirty before pulling his hands away, the girl giving Amy two breaths with the bag. When he looked up at the monitor, there was no change.

    "Goddamn it! No

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"Goddamn it! No. No, no, no, no. Come on, Amy! Stay with me." He placed his hands back on her chest and began another set of compressions, frantically looking around at the dumbfounded students. There had to be someone in this class whose skills were more advanced than the others. Someone that would be able to assist him. He looked to the strong young man beside him with the defib unit. "Hey...!"

"Josh," the guy said.

"Josh, as soon as I move, switch places with me. You're going to continue compressions while I hook her up to the EKG. Understand?"

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