Chapter 16: She's Under My Thumb

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Eric sighed softly. "It's not like I don't want to. I've been busy. With work and"

Amy's eyes widened again as she lifted her glass and felt the hand on her knee slowly begin to slide upward, over her thigh and under her skirt. Her heart rate sky rocketed. Quickly setting the glass down with a trembling hand and without so much as taking a drink, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath, trying desperately not to squirm beneath this man's touch. She forced her gaze to remain down at the table, having a feeling she would come right there and then if she looked at him again.

"Ventures?" Peter inquired with a smirk. "Dare I even ask?"

"You're kidding me, right?" Eric stole a glance at Amy. She feigned a small smile. "I thought you already knew."

"I've got some idea, but Dana hasn't told me anything."

In a panic, Amy attempted to cross her legs again, if only to stop Christian's hand from going any further. Unfortunately, he seemed to be one step ahead of her, because the moment she lifted her other knee, he shoved it away, forcing her to keep both feet on the floor. She looked up at him instinctively, and suddenly wished she hadn't. His eyes were clouded by a dark lust, his expression firm with determination. Amy trembled, bit her lip and gazed longingly into his eyes.

"Well I'd tell you, buddy, but then I'd have to kill you." Eric remarked with laugh.

Jason and Peter laughed along with him.

Dana rolled her eyes at him and shook his head. "Oh come on, that's not nice or funny."

Christian shoved at Amy's knee again as she attempted to keep her legs closed. Quickly and firmly grabbing her thigh, he gave her a look of disapproval and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Don't try to pretend for one minute, that you don't want my hand or my cock inside you."

Oh holy hell! He was right. She did want him inside of her, his hands, his cock and his mouth all over her...right then and there.

She gasped softly and squirmed, her heart pounding so loud now that it seemed to muffle all other sounds around her. Her legs opened to welcome his hand as his fingers began to caress the inside of her thigh.

"It was a joke," Eric argued. "Lighten up, D. And hey, Peter, even if I did tell you, I don't think it would be an appropriate topic of conversation right now." His brows furrowed as he looked over at Amy. "Hey, you okay, baby?"

Christian's strong hand froze on its way up her skirt, stopping inches from her mound, the outside of his pinkie finger accidentally, or intentionally, brushing over her soaking slit. Her sex clenched, instinctively responding to his touch and growing a little wetter.

With a little squeak, Amy sat up right and quickly bobbed her head up and down. "Y-Yes, sir. Fine. I'm fine." She scowled as her hand went to her stomach. "Just starving, and I can't sit still."

Eric's hard and skeptical gaze darted from her to Christian, then back to her, as if sensing there was something going on between them without his knowledge. Christian discreetly withdrew his hand from her thighs and she almost whined.

He blinked, eyes narrowing at Eric. "What?" He set his hand on his thigh, the one that had just been on her. "Jesus Christ. What did I do now?" Eric glanced down at Christian's leg. He stared incredulously at Eric. "What?"

Eric sighed irritably then noticeably relaxed, turning his attention back to Amy. "They have a lot of food to make, baby. Just try and hang in there. Don't worry, it'll be here soon." He plucked a package from a small porcelain holder on the table. "You want some crackers?"

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