Chapter 22: The Mail is Black

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"Did you ever get through all that fan mail?" questioned Shinso.

Jiro had brought a massive umbrella with her, the three of them huddled underneath it in a desperate bid to avoid the downpour.

"You got fan mail?" Jiro gaped, "Already?"

"What do you mean, already?! I'm surprised I got any at all!" Midoriya exclaimed, almost tripping over his shoes as he struggled to stay under the cover of the umbrella.

"I was surprised when my Owl account got so many followers," said Jiro.

"It's probably just because of Canary's following us," Shinso pointed out. He'd made an account for Raven too – not that he'd really done anything with it.

"We still need to convince Iida to make one for Crane," Jiro remembered. "Then that's everyone."

"Um, a-are you ever going to tell anyone who you are?" Midoriya questioned as they approached the UA gates.

"Nah – it's funnier denying it for now."

"Good morning, everyone!"

The three of them stopped just in time to see Iida charging towards them, decked out with a long, green coat and wellington boats as he ran through the rain.

"Nice raincoat," Jiro scoffed.

"Why are you all walking so slowly, we'll be late!" Iida exclaimed, boosting himself past them with his Quirk.

"We're still five minutes early!" Shinso called after him as they tried their best to catch up, despite huddling under the umbrella.

"UA students should always arrive ten minutes early, don't you think?!" and he disappeared under the cover of the building.

"I swear, he's always so intense," Jiro sighed.

She shook the rainwater off her umbrella as they reached school, chucking it absentmindedly into the umbrella box, labelled 1-A.

Midoriya's gaze lingered on it for a moment – realising how many students didn't seem to be worried at all over their umbrellas being stolen or ruined. Midoriya himself had given up on taking umbrellas to school after his first was stolen and his second had Quirkless graffitied all over it.

"Have you seen Uraraka this morning?" Shinso questioned Midoriya as he screwed his own raincoat, which proved to not be quite waterproof enough, into his locker.

"Oh, y-yeah. She didn't have a raincoat so she kind of just ran ahead of me screaming," Midoriya explained, shaking the water out of his hair. He'd just accepted that he was going to get wet when he left the house that morning, and so was still rather damp when Jiro offered out her umbrella. That was when he heard a rather disgruntled squawk.

"Oh, my God," Shinso sighed.

"Oh – Siren! Why must you be like this?" Midoriya groaned, pulling the bird from his hair.

"I don't think pets are permitted in the school grounds!" Iida protested as he pulled off his boots and replaced them with his ordinary shoes.

"I'd like to see them try and remove her," grinned Shinso.

Midoriya just smiled at his bird and ended up tucking her into his pocket where she happily began to clean her feathers.

Speaking of feathers. Shinso hadn't been joking when he said he would never take off the feather necklace. Midoriya could still see the edge of the chain, mostly concealed by the collar of his uniform.

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