New Gear

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by Ellanannette Day 3 Lingerie 


That was not a word Seokjin had used to describe himself in the past.

But dating a handsome, famous professional wrestler would put a dent in anyone's self esteem. Especially knowing that your man was in close proximity with other more attractive men and women almost everyday.

Not to mention Seokjin had a full-time job as a manager for a boating company in Seattle so he could not tour with Namjoon and the WWE crew. He often thought of quitting and taking up Triple H's offer to be Namjoon's on-screen manager to fast forward Namjoon's heel turn...

But Seokjin didn't think he would be able to survive a famous life.

He'd gone with Namjoon to the performance center in Florida during Lockdown. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston had basically peer pressured him with their energy into trying out a few moves.

They'd told him he was a natural. Even though all he'd done was execute a basic arm drag and falter his way through a suplex on Mustafa Ali.

Mostly because Ali was the only cruiserweight he could pick up at the time without an accident.

They said if he ever changed his mind, he could come train with any of them.

Honestly till this moment he was considering it, like would it really be so bad?

RM(Namjoon's ring name) was currently in a feud storyline with the Judgement Day.

Then again, at this point, who wasn't?

Seokjin thought it was hilarious how Finn and Damian lost a lot but were still somehow part of a hated faction on Raw.

The power of sports entertainment.

Seokjin stretched, letting his back crick as he waited for Namjoon to get back home.

Usually he'd return and they'd go into a cute couple routine but Seokjin worried their relationship was becoming a little too stale and boring. It was probably an irrational fear but Seokjin tended to worry up until Namjoon came back and kissed all his worries away.

... And his shyness.

A text notification came in.

𝐉𝐨𝐨𝐧❤️: 𝐼'𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 10.

𝐉𝐢𝐧: 𝑂𝑘𝑎𝑦. 𝐼'𝑚 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Seokjin was regretting his choice right now.

He was sitting in their dining area in his bathrobe with lingerie under it. He wanted to "spice up" their love life.

Maybe if he did something, Namjoon wouldn't leave him for a hot male or female wrestler.

Yes, Seokjin was well aware he was being irrational and needed therapy for his abandonment issues. But that was tomorrow Jin's problem. Today's Jin needed to keep his relationship, with good food and interesting sex.

He didn't know how long he'd sat disassociating for until heard the front doorbell ring.

He sat up, straightening his hair to one side before going to the door. He peeped through the spyhole to see Namjoon standing there with his "road" bag.

Seokjin's heart dropped to his stomach.

What if Namjoon hated him for trying too hard?

What if Namjoon thought he was silly and laughed at him?

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