Lips Of Blood

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Day 21 Glory Hole

Yoongi removed his coat and hung it up on the nail in the wall. This establishment wasn't as fancy as the ones on the other side of town, but it had the one thing the others didn't: a glory hole. It was the one place in this whole city that Yoongoi could go to and interact with people without wanting to kill them. He got off, and the other person lived. He laid down on the bed and waited. The madame said she would send one of her boys to fetch him when it was his turn. Yoongi sighed, thinking back to when he was first turned, wondering if he was in an accident. Maybe he was never meant to be created. He had woken up in the middle of the forest, his throat half ripped out, blood covering him from head to toe.

Yoongi blinked, pulling himself forward that memory. He often found himself drifting back to that night. The things he would have done differently. Would it have changed the outcome of the evening or not? He stood and made his way to the door, hearing the boy before he did. This time, Yoongi waited for the knock. He realized that something about him humans found unsettling.

"We are ready for you," the boy said with a coy smile.

Yoongi nodded, closing the door behind him before he followed the boy down the hall. He could tell the boy was new. He kept his head down, not wanting people to notice him, which was odd given his profession. He stopped at the door, turning, and the boy gave Yoongi a slight nod before he turned on his heel, heading back in the direction they had come from.

Yoongi took a deep breath, holding it. He didn't need to breathe, and he figured it was more of a reflex than a need. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He opened the door and stepped in. It was always strange to see the curtain hanging a decent-sized hole cut into the cloth. Yoongi closed the door behind him

He untied the front of his pants as he stepped up to the divider. Yoongi pulled his cock from his pants, stroking his cock until it was hard. Yoongi slipped his dick into the hole, and the mouth waiting was hot against his cold skin. Yoongi hissed as the boy on the other side of the curtain sucked on the tip teasing the pre cum out. He bit his bottom lip, still getting used to the fact that his fangs extended to full length when he was horny.

"Fuck," Yoongi hissed, thrusting as the boy behind the curtain took every inch of him.

Yoongi tossed his head back and cried out in pleasure. He needed to know who was behind the curtain. In all his years on the planet, no one sucked his cock the way this boy did. He grabbed the curtain, almost ripping it as he came hard. He shivered with pleasure as the boy continued to milk his cock. He backed away, tucking his dick back into his pants; he had made the mistake of allowing a small amount of the boy's scent into his nose. He rushed from the room.

Yoongi made his way back down the hall to the room he was renting for the month. He had paid the madam handsomely so that she would leave him alone during the day. He slammed the door shut behind him as he entered the room. Yoongi pressed his forehead against the wood. The scent still lingers in his nose. The boy was older, and there was sadness in the blood, along with a hint of something he couldn't put his finger on. He wanted to know the man, maybe take him away from this place if that's what was making him sad.

Yoongi had learned they rotated out the boys who attended the glory hole, and he would have to wait. In the meantime, he would find out who the man was. He walked around one evening a few days later. As subtle as possible, he sniffed the air. He had finally spotted his prize sitting in a man's lap. The man looked uncomfortable as the man slid a hand up his thigh. Yoongi let out a low possessive growl. He stopped himself from marching up and ripping out the guy's throat in front of everyone.


It was finally the day when the boy was back behind the curtain. Yoongi had decided to be the last client of the night; it felt like an eternity, but the same boy that fetched him a few days earlier knocked on his door, leading Yoongi to the room. This time, he allowed himself to breathe. He shifted through the scents of the other men who had been in the room before him. A soft cough brought him out of the thought of feasting on all the men who were in here before him.

He was hard as a rock this time at the anticipation of those plump lips wrapped around his cock. That pretty tongue that whispered in other means ear teasing the tip of his thick cock was enough to make Yoongi cum before even sticking his dick in the hole again.

"FUCK." Yongi hollered. The heat of the mouth was even better than he remembered, the lips softer, everything was different, more intense. The man behind the drapes moaned as Yoongi thrust deep into his mouth, sending the vibrations straight up the shaft.

"Fuck, fuck," Yoongi cried out cumming hard down the man's throat.

He stepped back, laughing at how hard he had come. Yoongi hadn't felt this type of pleasure since he was human. Yoongi looked up when the curtain moved, and there he was, lips plump and red blood rushing through his veins. He could see the vines just below the surface of his pale skin.

"I'm Jimin," he said.

Yoongi smiled, fangs fully extending the fear and excitement in Jimin's eyes was enough to make him cum again.

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