Dying In The Night

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Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook slipped out of the limo, adjusting their clothes as they got out, heading into the club, their favorite hunting ground. The trio made their way to the bar. Jungkook ordered their drinks while Taehung and Jimin looked around. The hunt was what they enjoyed the most these days. It was refreshing to have some young blood everywhere, and even Yoongi, who often preferred to be alone, agreed that they needed to add two more to their family. Tonight, the younger vampires are going to learn how much of a turn on the hunt can be, especially when the prey plays hard to get.

"That one," Taehyung said, pointing to a man standing against the wall.

"No, there's something off about him," Jimin replied. He looked up when he saw a glass being handed to him.


"What about her?" Jingkook asked, pointing to a pretty brunette dancing alone.

Jimin shook his head, saying she was too much of an attention seeker; they needed someone in between. They would know it when they saw them or they saw them. Either way, they were leaving with someone tonight.

The bass vibrated through his body as he moved around the outside of the dance floor, Jimin leading the way, telling Taehyung and Jungkook that they needed to focus on one person at a time, sense them, and smell them. Taehyung crinkled his nose, saying some of the people smelled weird. Jungkook laughed, saying those people were probably on something; Jimin nodded in agreement, saying when he was younger in the sixties, he ate a few hippies, and it was definitely a trip.

"That one," Jimin said, pointing to the man in the middle of the floor.

He danced perfectly to the beat, letting the sound control him. The vampires watched before agreeing with Jimin that he would make a perfect addition to their family. The trio carefully made a circle around the man like wolves hunting down a deer. They didn't want to startle the man, letting Jimin take the lead. He carefully caught the man's attention. He was handsome. Jimin bit his bottom lip. The man's line was beautiful. That was the first word that came to mind: absolutely beautiful. The way he moved was like the beat was created by him and for him alone.

Jimin stopped when the man was no longer in front of him. He furrowed his brow, looking at his friends. They shrugged as they exchanged looks. Still, Jimin was smiling. The hunt was on, and it was going to be even sweeter than when he caught Namjoon and Taehyung.

Jimin sniffed the air searching for the warmth that came from the man like he was made of sunshine itself; he followed it to the back door, he smiled remembering the last time Yoongi had come with them; he adjusted himself feeling his cock begin to rub against the unforgiving fabric. He told Jungkook to stay with Taehyung and to meet him in the back in ten minutes when the two younger men caught up with him. They nodded, walking back to the front of the club.

He took a deep breath, wishing he had a few more drinks to warm his hands up more, but the one would have to do. He opened the back door and looked around. The sweet scent of vanilla and warmth was still fresh; he couldn't have gone far. He sniffed the air and pulled his phone out of his pocket to shoot a text to Taehyung, letting him know what was going on. He received one back saying that the man they were after was now in the front; he informed the younger vampire that he would be right there and to keep an eye on him.

As Jimin rounded the corner, the man's scent smacked him in the face. He was talking to another man who seemed to be friendly enough, but his prey was only making conversation to be polite.

"There you are," Jimin said, smelling the sublet change in the man's scent.

"Sorry, I needed some air," the man replied, catching on to what Jimin was doing.

The other man didn't stick around too long after Jimin joined them. He looked to the other vampires who were hot on the man's trail. Jimin didn't care if they ate him or wiped his memory; either way, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone he saw the man.

'Thanks, I'm Hobi," he said, looking at Jimin.



Jungkook and Taehyung had found something more interesting to do when they brought Hobi home, leaving him alone with Jimim, and now he was searching the house for the bleeding man but also wondering where in the world everyone else went.

"Come on," Jimin smirked as he yelled out, "I said I was sorry," he added, sniffing again. The scent was getting stronger. "you can't hide from me," he called out as he rubbed his cock. "It's ok, I'll find you," he whispered. Turning the corner.

Jimin enjoyed the hunt anyway, and it had been too long since someone had put up a fight. It was the biggest turn-on, the chase. He, on occasion, liked to be the one who was being followed, but tonight, he was letting the animal side take over fully. The sound of a pounding heart and the sweet scent of clotting blood was getting stronger the closer he got to the basement.

Stupid humans only sense to actually leave the house if it was a game for Hobi, too. He would find out when he found him. Jimin spotted the door knob covered in blood. No hiding where he was, he smirked and opened the door. He couldn't wait to taste the man again, his blood, his sweat, among other things. Jimin carefully made his way down the steps. The scent of fresh paint stung his noise, making it hard for him to tell if Hobi was down there or not.

He furrowed his brow, catching the scent again from behind him, and he spun, slamming Hobi against the wall. He smiled at Jimin.

"This is fun."

Jimin growled, smashing his mouth to Hobis. The kiss was frantic, teeth and tongue. They were uncoordinated teenagers kissing for the first time. Jimin reached down, undoing Hobis's pants. It was unfair that he was still clothed while Jimin was not. He dropped to his knees, taking the other man's pants and underwear with him. The scent of arousal filled the basement. He was happy that he had talked Yoongi into making it a game room; the carpet was soft and lush under his knees.

Hobi let out a whimper as Jimin wrapped his plump lips around the tip of his cock gently teasing it with his tongue while his hands worked the shaft. Jimin took the full length into his mouth, letting the man thrust a bit before popping off. He stilled himself, watching the blood pulse in the man's artery. It was so close it wouldn't be the first time, but Jimin closed his eyes, focusing on what he was doing; it was strange. Even the man pre cum tasted like warmth. He wondered if Hobi had a bit of magic in him.

"Ah fuck fuck fuck fuck," Hobi chanted when one of Jimin's fangs grazed against the sensitive skin.

Jimin popped over with an obscene sound. He stood, catching Hobis's mouth with his as he continued to stroke the man. He loved the pretty sounds he was swallowing down with the kiss; he gasped into the other man's mouth, feeling his fingers stroking his cock. Hobi's hands were soft and gentle.

"Bite me," Hobi said, pulling away from the kiss, panting, "please," a pleading in his voice.

Jimin smiled, his fangs fully extended.           

The Erotesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें