Good Day To Be A Bad Guy

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Ihearthebelt0613 Day 5 Gags

Jimin dragged the larger man by the feet, having to stop every few feet and readjust. He hoped he had drugged him enough that he wouldn't wake up until Jimin was ready for him to be. He sighed as he lifted the deadweight into the chair, checking his pulse and ensuring he was still alive.

Once Jimin was happy, he tied Namjoon to the chair. He walked around, making sure it was secure. He lifted the other man's head, cupping his face. He was so handsome, Jimin sighed, letting Namjoon's head drop from his hands. Jimin looked around; he had a pretty good setup. It was perfect for the two of them, far away from everyone that they could be alone forever. Namjoon would grow to feel the same way Jimin told himself as he gagged Namjoon. The last thing he wanted was a bunch of questions right now.

He smiled as Namjoon started to stir. He leaned back against the wall. He rubbed the front of his jeans; he was so hard just from seeing the gag in the other man's mouth. The saliva-soaked rag glistened as Namjoon moved his head around. It was beautiful. Jimin groaned, his dick becoming harder by the second.

Namjoon shook his head. He squinted as he looked around. His eyes widened when he finally spotted Jimin standing against the wall, his hand still rubbing firmly across the front of his jeans. Jimin smiled, watching Namjoon struggle, tugging and pulling at his binds.

"Don't, you'll hurt yourself," Jimins said, pushing the wall, stalking towards the other man.

Namjoon looked at him, his eyes wide and unblinking as he struggled more the closer Jimin got to him.

"Now, I'm going to untie you," Jimin said, stepping closer, "Don't try anything. I don't want to hurt you."

Namjoon didn't reply; he just waited for Jimin to untie him. The second he felt the rope slip from his wrist, he was up and running. He could see the street lamp's light singing not too far from him. He didn't bother looking behind him as he charged towards the door.

He skidded to a halt as he pulled and pushed on the door, but it didn't budge. Namjoon tried to rip the gag from his mouth. If he could yell, someone could help him. He tugged and pulled before turning when he heard laughing coming from behind him.

"You can't take it off," Jimin said, smiling as he moved closer, "Unless I want you to," he added with a shrug.

He moved closer to Namjon, who pressed his back against the wall. Jimin stopped only a foot from him. He reached out, cupping Namjoon's face, running his thumb across the man's wet bottom lip. Jimin smiled, touching the binding in Namjoon's mouth.

"I think we need something less..." he tipped his lips, searching for the perfect word.

Namjoon steadied himself. He needed to get out quickly. H closed his eyes as Jimin reached up and touched his face. He swallowed hard, feeling the hard plastic ball that filled his mouth. Namjoon struggled, pulling at the claps in the back.

"I told you.." Jimins said with amusement in his voice, "Mmm," he sighed, wiping a bit of drool from Namjoon's bottom lip, "i don't want you to take it off,'" he added, grabbing the back of Namjoon's head, pressing their foreheads together.

Jimin took a deep breath and blew it out, "you see, you shouldn't have lied to me," he tsked as he pulled his head back to look into Namjoon's eyes, "I told you what I was and you,' he scoffed and shook his head, "you told me you loved me, and you lied!" he yelled letting go of Namjoon.

Jimin paced in front of the other man, muttering to himself, "I saw you with her," he sneered his back to Namjioon, "but that's ok," Jimin nodded, "I still love you. You always looked so good with that gag in your mouth," he added as he turned and faced Namjoon.

Namjoon attempted to defend himself, but getting his point across with the gag in his mouth was hard. Jimin put his hand up, stopping him from talking. He didn't want to hear the excuses or more lies. He shook his head, saying some places used to cut out someone's tongue for lying. Jimin laughed, telling Namjoon he had nothing to worry about. He liked that muscle.

Jimin rubbed the front of his jeans and groaned. Namjoon's eyes darted down, spotting the bulge. His eyes went wide with questioning. Jimin furrowed his brow, shaking his head, telling Namjoon not to be stupid. He smirked and would never force anyone. He didn't need to.

"I'm bored," Jimin said after a few moments of silence.

With a wave of his hand, Jimin had moved them. Namjoon looked around. He was tied to a chair, the ball gag still in his mouth, making him drool. He could feel the spit dripping down his chin. A shiver went down his spine as he looked closer at what was around him. They were in Jimin's playroom, only this time it looked different. The toys were gone, the bed that was usually pushed against the wall was gone, and in the middle of the room, black candles were lit; he took a steadying breath as Jimin, who was now nude, walked towards him.

Namjoon tried to swallow around the gag, but Jimin did look good naked. His body was sleek and toned, beautifully tanned. Namjoon would give anything to run his hands across the soft skin. The girth of his dick stretched his mouth. Namjoon shook his head. This was not happening. When Jimin told him he was a practicing witch, he didn't think he meant actual magic. He thought the other man was all talk, and now he wasn't sure what would happen, but he was sure it wasn't anything good.

Jimin gently stroked his cock as he made his way across the room toward the circle of candles, blood was good, but Seman worked best when summoning the demon he had been working with, and he knew the perfect body for it to take over. Jimin bit his bottom lip staring at Namjoon, watching as the spit dripped from the gag; it was one of his biggest turn-ons having his partner gagged, unable to speak, the sweet saliva dripping down the ball across their chin; he sighed out a moan, as his hand glided gracefully across the tip of his cock.

He watched Namjoon as he continued to stroke along the shaft; what he would give to feel those lips sound his cock one last time. Jimin shook the thought from his head. This was not about him but about getting the demon to the surface. However, thinking about the other man's mouth was helping him.

"Fuck," Jimin whispered, closing his eyes briefly before opening them again.

He watched with a smirk as Namjoon struggled. The spit on the ball glistened in the candlelight, a beautiful sight. He was happy. He decided to put Namjoon in his underwear. He could see the tip of his cock starting to poke out the hole, and he licked his lips; it made Jimin happy that he could still make the other man hard.

Jimin could feel the orgasm building; he stroked fast, letting the moans escape his mouth. He watched as Namjoon became painfully hard.

"Fuck," Jimin moaned as he came hard. 

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