All I Need

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Jimin took a shaky breath, tossing his head back and closing his eyes. Fuck he loved when Yoongi took care of him. There was no better feeling in the world than having his sire pleasure him. He sucked in a hard breath as the ridding crop came down across his ass. The sweet sting was pure pleasure to him. Yoongi had tied him to the X that was in their bedroom. The older vampire had pulled it away from the wall, setting the contraption in the middle of the room so he could walk around it.

Jimin licked his lips as he watched Yoongi come around, stopping in front of him. he closed his eyes again, feeling the soft leather of the tip of the crop caress his cheek; Yoongi taped his face gently, not wanting to leave marks on his pretty face. Even tho they both knew the bruises and slashes would be gone the next time Jimin fed on someone. Still, Yoongi prefers to leave Jimin's face as perfect as possible.

"Fuck," Jimin uttered, with a moan, when Yoongi trailed the line of his waist with the crop.

"That's my good boy," Yoongi praised, bringing the crop down again across the already abused flesh.

"MMM," was all Jimin could reply, his throat dry. The blood rushing through his veins pounded in his ears, the sweet scent of his sire making him more relaxed with each strike of the riding crop.

Jimin couldn't help it. He thrust his hips in an attempt to find some friction. His cock hard and aching. He wanted to be touched, fucked, and he wanted to cum more than anything else in the world at that very moment. He knew Yoongi wasn't done. He took a breath, looking over his shoulder, watching as his sire walked over to where the whips were. Jimin smiled, knowing what was going to happen next.

The whips crashed hard against his pale skin. He could feel the arch of the welts forming with each crash of the lather. Jimin cried out with pleasure, tugging on his restraints.

"Mmmm, fuck, Daddy," Jimin moaned.

"Good boy," Yoongi praised.

Jimin could hear the smile on the other vampire's face. He loved it when Jimin called him daddy; in their whole relationship, Yoongi had been Jimin's protector. Jimin moaned low and deep, feeling Yoongis cool hand brushing over the abused skin on his back, trailing down to his ass, caressing the red cheeks. He yelped, feeling his love-wet tongue curling around his hole.

"I'm gonna cum, daddy, please," Jimin whined, not sure if he was trying to get away or push back.

"Not yet," Yoongi growled, smacking Jimins already welted ass.

"Fuck, fuck, fcuk," Jimin screamed as Yoongi slammed into him.

Jimin couldn't hold on anymore. His eyes rolled into the back of his head; the feeling of Yoongis's cock sliding out and slamming back in was too much; the restraints were feeling too tight around his wrists, the wood hard against his chest. Every single nerve ending was firing as Yoongi pistoned into him.

"Daddy.... I," Jimin choked out as he came hard, slumping against the X.

Jimin smiled lazily as Yoongi released the restraints. He kept his eyes closed, letting his sire clean him up and tuck him into their bed.

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