Dead Girls (Boys) Are Easy

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Yoongi smiled as he locked the cage around Jimins cock. They had been together for centuries, and Yoongi was tired of Jimin running off with random humans to get off all the time. He was surprised when Jimin agreed to the cage. Yoongi figured that the other man probably thought he would give in and take it off sooner than they had approved.

"I still don't understand why you are so upset; I didn't kill them this time," Jimin said, looking down at Yoongi's hands and placing the cage around his soft cock.

"No, you turned them, and now I have to babysit two new baby vamps while you go off and..." Yoongi sighed. He didn't finish what he was saying. There was no explaining things to Jimin most of the time. He was still very young and impulsive.

Jimin frowned, looking down at the cage that was to keep him from getting hard; he really did love Yoongi; he was his sire, his best friend, Jimin everything, and there was nothing worse for a vampire to drift away from their sire, so he was going to do what he could to help repair what was broken in their relationship.

"Get dressed. We are going out," Yoongi said once he had locked the cage.

"What?" Jimin asked, confused. He thought they were staying in for the night.

"Taehyung and Namjoon need to learn how to feed," Yoongi replied as he walked to the door; he turned and looked at Jimin before opening the door, "Don't worry, we will have fun later," he added with a wink before walking out the door calling for the other vampires.

Jimin quickly got dressed, wondering what Yoongi had planned for them. He adjusted himself, trying to get used to the heavy contraption now attached to him. He wondered why he bothered to even agree to this form of torture. Jimin was sure he could keep his dick in his pants without help. Jimin made his way out of the room and spotted Namjoon and Taehyung fussing over each other. He smiled. They were adorable; they still played their games, but now it was time to teach them how to spot the perfect prey.


"Wait, I thought..." Taehyung started furrowing his brow.

"I picked you," Jimin smirked, leaning forward and taking the younger man's hand.

Taehyung pulled his hand away and crossed his arms, resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. Jimin looked at Yoongi, who shook his head. He cleared his throat, laying down ground rules before the limo pulled to the club.

"Any questions?" Yoongi asked as the vehicle stopped.

The trio shook their heads. Yoongi nodded and slid when the driver opened the door. Jimin took a deep breath, the last one out of the car. Carefully adjusting himself as he stood, he reminded himself why he agreed, and strangely, it was a turn-on for him, knowing that the only way he could orgasm was if Yoongi let him.

Yoongi and Jimin circled the room as Namjoon and Taehyung looked for their victim. The two older vampires kept a close eye on the younger two. The only rule was never to expose what they were to a group of people. One person was easier to control than multiple.

Jimin sighed as he watched Taehyung point out someone to Namjoon, who smiled, his teeth glimmering off the changing lights. Jimin remembered the way Taehyung's skin felt under his fingertips, the sweetness of the couple's blood on the tip of his tongue. He groaned at the thought of the two of them in bed with him again; maybe this time, Yoongi would join them.

"Stop," Yoongi whispered.

Jimin closed his eyes, feeling the coolness of Yoongi's breath on his ear; he loved it when he was that close. It had been too long since they had anything intimate between them; he opened his eyes, and the other vampire standing in front of him, a smirk on his face, holding out his hand.

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