Gothic (Boy) Girl

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There was something new Namjoon wanted to try, but he needed to figure out how to bring it up. He was still trying to navigate the relationship they had not found themselves in; he had his choice of partner, and so did Taehyung, but at the end of the day, they still ended up with each other, cuddling in bed and talking about their new life.

"What are you thinking about?" Jin asked as he walked into the kitchen, spotting Namjoon leaning against the counter.

"Nothing," Namjoon replied a little too quickly.

Jin raised an eyebrow at the younger man, "Really?"

Namjoon sighed; he couldn't lie to Jin even if he wanted to, "I..." he started and then stopped, wondering if he should tell him before he said anything to Taehyung, "I wanna...." he rubbed the back of his neck. Not sure how to bring it up.

Jin settled next to Namjoon at the counter, waiting for him to go on, saying it was okay and that there was no rush. He could tell him when he was ready. He went to move when namjoon reached out, stopping him.

"I wanna try something, but you have to promise not to laugh," Namjoon said, looking Jin in the eye.

"Okay," Jin replied, noting the tone of Namjoon's voice.


Namjoon smiled, waiting for Jin. It was silly of him to be worried that the other man would laugh at him. Jin was always so understanding and willing to try things with him; he should have known that he would be more than ready to help with this particular kink.

Namjooon stripped naked, setting the bottle of lube next to him on the floor as he "wedged" himself under Jin's bed. He had watched it in porn once and wanted to know what it was like to be stuck in place while someone fucked him from behind. He couldn't believe how hard he was as he waited for Jin to come find him.

Namjoon was giddy with excitement. He didn't know if it was just the fact that he knew that Jin was coming or the fact that it was about to happen, but he couldn't stop smiling. He stopped moving when he heard the footsteps on the hardwood floor. He furrowed his brow more than one set of footsteps. Jin wasn't alone. Namjoon shrugged to himself; it didn't matter anymore; he wasn't going to chicken out.

The door slowly opened, and he heard the collective breath hitch, "what do we have here?" Taehyung asked amusement in his voice.

"I think Joon is stuck," Jin replied, closing the door behind him.

Taehyung groaned, running a hand over Namjoons smooth ass; he clenched at the touch.

"We will help you out, baby, don't worry," Taehyung told him.

Namjoon smiled, hearing the rustling of clothing and the cap of the lube being flipped open. He shivered as the lube was poured down his ass. He couldn't wait. He wiggled as he felt fingers probing at him. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling, all the attention on him. Namjoon moaned as the fingers made their way deep inside of him. He swore, feeling his prostate being nudged.

The feeling sent a shiver down his spine; he could have come right then if Jin had kept up his assault. He could tell the difference even if he couldn't see them. He knew what his husband's fingers felt like. He grabbed at the carpet, gripping it as Taehyung slid deep inside of him. He couldn't image anything better than what was happening right now.

Namjoon was so lost in his own pleasure he didn't realize that Taehyung had cum until Jin commented how sloppy his hole was and how much he loved the feeling of his used hole.

"Oh fuck," Namjoon breathed out as Jin slammed into him.

The other vampire set a punishing pace, pulling out and slamming back in. Namjoon cried out in pleasure when Jin managed to hit his sweet spot again. He could feel every inch of the vampire. Jin's fingers gripping his hips so tight, he could feel the droplets of blood dripping down his skin.

The flood of feel-good chemicals made him float as he came. Closing his eyes, Namjoon's hips slipped from Jin's grip.

"Hi," Taehyung said when Namjoon opened his eyes.

"Hi," Namjoon replied, snuggling close to his husband.

Jin climbed into the bed, wrapping his arms around Namjoon, letting him drift off to sleep. 

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