House By The Cemetery

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Day 6 Cock Warming Ihearthebelt0613

Yoongi drummed on the steering wheel as he turned into the driveway of his new home. Smirking to himself about the great deal he had gotten on it, his boyfriend was sure there had to be something wrong with it, and that's why Yoongi didn't show him before he bought it.

"Is that what I think it is?" Hobi asked as he took off his seat belt to turn and look out the back window, spotting the crumbling tombstones across the street.

"What?" Yoongi asked, the confusion clear in his voice.

Hobi sighed as he opened the car door and got out. Yoongi shook his head. What did it matter? At least they knew their neighbors wouldn't be noisy. He popped the trunk on the car before getting out; the last of their stuff was in the back seat. They loaded the items into the house in silence, the tension so thick yoongi couldn't take it anymore; he tossed the bag on the couch and stood in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," Yoongi said as Hobi walked up the porch steps.

"For what?" Hobi asked, setting the plant he was carrying down on the porch before looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi folded his arms across his chest, this was hard for him. He was used to sharing his feelings, but he couldn't let this go on much longer, "For not telling you the location of the house," he replied.

Hobi nodded, "I'm still mad, but thank you," he replied, picking the plant up again to take it into the house.

Yoongi nodded and stepped out of the way. He watched as Hobi dropped the plant off on the table at the entranceway; he smiled, watching his love, his sunshine, fuss with the ivy. Yoongi turned when something caught his attention: a shadow, or maybe it was an animal. He shook his head, making his way to grab the last few things from the car.


Yoongi sat back on the couch, a content sigh escaping his mouth as they finished the last of the delivery. They were too tired to cook, and Hobi couldn't remember what box he had packed the pots and pans in any way.

"Hey, you think this place is haunted?" Hobi asked, sitting back next to Yoongi.

The other man shrugged, "The relator didn't say anything, and you know I didn't think about it," he replied, taking Hobis's hand, "I am sorry..." Yoongi sighed, "I didn't think it was a big deal."

Hobi smiled, lacing their fingers together; he leaned over, capturing Yoongi's mouth with his. Letting go of his hand, Hobi pushed Yoongi back onto the couch, laying on top of him, resuming the kiss. Yoongi moaned into the kiss, running his hands across Hobi's clothed body. He loved the way he felt beneath his fingertips. He pushed the shirt up over Hobi's head, breaking the kiss for a moment, resuming once the offending item was removed.

Hobi broke the kiss, tugging at Yoongi's shirt. He sat up, helping his love remove his top before laying back on the couch. He moaned as Hobi kissed and nipped down Yoongi's neck. Yoongis closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of Hobi's lips on his heated skin, the coolness felt amazing. He whined when Hobi pulled away, looking around.

"Did you hear that?" he questioned.

"No, now come on," Yoongi said, pulling the other man back down.

"Hang on," Hobi said, pulling his boyfriend's arms from around his next.

Yoongi sighed, "this is how people die in horror movies," he said, sitting up and watching as Hobi peeked around the corner into the hall from the living room.

Hobi laughed, "What are they going to do to make me dead?" he asked as he moved out of the room.

Yoongi rolled his eyes; they still found the right spell to make Hobi return to a full human, but they were doing work. He stood following his boyfriend down the hall, he too heard the footsteps in the kitchen the closer they got to the other room. Yoongi shook his head, grabbing Hobi's arm and pulling him away from the swinging door.

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