Ideas for Bree and Y n's future love child.

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A/n: I know it's a little too early to talk about it but I need to get it off my chest. I want to know what name I can give Bree and Y n's future love child. I say"future love child" cause later on in the story Bree and Y/n decide to have a child through stem cells and since the child will be a byproduct of stem cells it'll be a girl.

So I'm mostly worried about the child's name and appearance

So can you help me out please?

Thanks very much for the help in advance.

Also here are some of the name I think are cute for a baby girl:





Give me a name and it's meaning and why I should pick it.

Good day/nights ladies and gentlemen

Good day/nights ladies and gentlemen

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A/n: This is too cute, can't lie😍

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