Chapter 3

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Lynda was awake, although it was only just past five in the morning. She sat on the hammock in the front yard of Vince's house, cradling a mug of coffee.  She could not think of it as her house- she did not have one, nor a physical home for that matter. For her, home was her son, Peter.  They had only just moved in to her cousin's old house, and were probably not going to stay for too long. That was just the way she and her son lived- moving from town to town and stealing to get what they needed. Even their cat was someone's pet that they had picked up along the way.

Just as she thought about the cat, the tabby brushed up against her leg and moulted fur onto her jeans. It had been purring, but now it suddenly stopped. Lynda noticed the hairs on the cat's back stand on end, and with a yowl, it fled into the house. Lynda watched it go, feeling slightly puzzled- the cat only acted like that when Peter was Turning. Peter wasn't nearby, was he?

Suddenly, a half-human yell echoed through the forest. Lynda jumped up, nearly spilling her coffee onto her grey hoodie. It was Peter. Just then, she felt a violent vibration from her back pocket and her mobile phone began to ring. She pressed the call button with fumbling fingers. She should be bringing her son a blanket and a mug of tea to warm him up- not answering a call! Nonetheless, she put the phone to her ear.

"Lynda?" The voice on the other end of the line was Roman.

"Hey, look sweetie, I'm going to have to call you back-"

"Is Peter there?" Roman interrupted her. He sounded frantic.

Lynda twisted one of the beads on her pearl necklace nervously. "I just heard him Turning. But you know it takes it out of him- he'll be sleeping for the rest of the day. What did you need him for?"

"I'll come round." Roman hung up, not having answered her question. Lynda slowly lowered the phone from her ear and frowned down at it. It disturbed her how her son was friends with an Upir- even if Roman did not know that he was one.

"Alright then," Lynda told the empty air. She took the blanket and mug of tea wrapped in tin foil off of the pine needle- littered ground, and made her way into the forest.

Wolf Got Your Tongue? (A Hemlock Grove fanfiction #JustWriteIt.)Where stories live. Discover now